At some point I became obsessed with clocks. Yes, clocks. Don't read that wrong. This problem snuck up on me for reasons I still do not understand. Reasons I can not explain.
I am a little bit embarrassed about this and for awhile I didn't tell anyone. But whatever. It's time, not heroin.
I need to have a clock in every room of my house. I feel comforted knowing I have access to one at all times. If I am somewhere without one I actually feel panicky. What is up with that? Seriously, when did I go crazy?
Both my kitchen and bathroom are rooms where I don't want to put a clock up on the wall, so instead I have small battery operated clocks 'hidden' in the cupboard. That way if I need to know the time, I can just peak in and see it.
I once bought one of those clocks that project the time on your ceiling. To wake up in the middle of the night and be able to see the time without moving is bliss. I had to get rid of it because the digital display was too bright and lit up my room. This made me crazy. In a bad way.
I recently started a new job and I was pretty excited to get a clock for my new desk. So I bought one only to find one of the digits didn't light up. So I bought a battery operated one and put that one up too. For a short time, I had them both on my desk. I didn't realize this time problem of mine was obvious to anyone else until this guy walked by the other day and said "Well, you got rid of one, that's good. What's up with you and clocks? You know the time is on your computer screen right?".
Yes. I know.
Two weeks ago I went to Windsor for the weekend. The clock in our hotel room did not work. Are you kidding me? I had to sleep with my cell phone within arms reach so that if I woke up during the night, I would be able to know what time it was. Guess who is going to travel with their own clock from now on?
The irony of all this is that I'm generally late for everything. Everything. For someone crazy about time - you'd think I'd learn to manage it better.
*Note: The picture posted above was taken from Pinterest. I love this clock and I want it badly.
Favourite of the Day: Everything. Loving work. Good food. Good friends. Good music. Being organized. Relaxing. I love life today.