Thursday, August 25, 2011

Puppy Love

Is it possible to look at these and not smile? These are the best dog moments I have ever seen captured. Pure happiness. I love these pictures so much.

98% of the time it doesn't bother me that I don't have a dog. Then I see pictures like these and I remember how amazing dogs are. I KNOW my life would be more complete with a furry friend in my life.

I wait for the day when I work regular hours and have a fenced in back yard. I won't get a dog until I can offer it the lifestyle it deserves. But when that day comes? I am going to be a kick-ass dog momma.

(Thanks to Deb and Andrea for letting me steal your dog pics! They made me happy.)

Favourite of the Day: "The Help". Go see it. Good movie.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eat, Drink and Be Married.

When my friend Julie got engaged at Christmas, we excitedly started talking 'wedding' talk. She asked me to make her wedding cake and I didn't hesitate to accept. Of course I can make her wedding cake! That would be SO much fun!! We had both dipped into more than a few glasses of wine by this point. About 3.4 seconds after this conversation took place I forgot about it.

Have I ever made a wedding cake? Nope. Do I know how to make a wedding cake? Nope. Give me a few drinks and I might tell you I can build a house too.

Spring came along and Julie asked me how the cake plans were coming. Doh!! The conversation came flooding back. I told her I would still go ahead and do it. After all, I had taken a couple of cake decorating classes. My basic round birthday cakes would be ample experience for this, right? That is when the anxiety started. What if it was hideous? What if it was disgusting? I felt too much pressure.

In July I talked it over with Julie. I suggested that I buy her cake instead, as my wedding gift. This would take the organizing off of her and the stress off of me. She agreed. Phew.

Jeannette's Custom Cakes to the rescue! Though I had never met Jeannette, I had been good friend's with her husband when we were teens and had been following her new cake business since it started. She is incredibly talented and I love all of her cakes. I was excited when I contacted her and she had Julie's wedding date available.

The wedding was this past weekend. A beautiful wedding, a beautiful bride and of course, a beautiful cake!! Big thanks to Jeannette. Big congrats to Julie and Joel too!!

Fingers crossed I never make another booze fueled decision. Lesson learned.

Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. Yum.

(Seriously guys, check her out...there is also a link on the right side of your screen listed under "I also read...")

Favourite of the Day: I'm expanding my palatte this week, like a real grown up. I ate Sushi. SUSHI. Can you believe that? AND I liked it. I still can't get over it. I also ate Gorgonzola Gnocchi's and they were fabulous. What? I don't eat cream sauce on pasta. Or do I? ; )


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Deep Thoughts

Do what you need to do when you
to do it
so you can do what you want to do when
want to do it.

I saw this posted on a sign in Jimmy John's when me and Les were away. I've had it stuck in my brain since. Brilliance. My Jiminy Cricket has been trying to tell me this for about 30 years. Stop procrastinating, you idiot.

By the way, Jimmy John's is the coolest place ever. Get on this train, Canada. If I had money, I would buy this franchise in a heartbeat. Screw you, Subway.

Favourite of the Day: When asked about the theory of life and evolution the other day, Jayme replied that we were the Flintstones turning into the Jetson's. She also incorporated Ewok's into her response. Best answer ever.