Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

This is my shower.  Take a look at the top left corner.  My newest purchase from Bed Bath and Beyond is a waterproof clock. My addiction continues. I feel, what I imagine a hoarder feels when they find VHS tapes on clearance at Big Lots:  Pure Joy.   

Favourite of the Day: This, obviously.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Spontaniety and Adventures

One random Monday night, I walked into my friend Matt's bedroom well after midnight with an odd suggestion.  "Want to go on an adventure?" I asked.  Without hesitation he said sure.  Surprised at his quick response, I questioned him.  "Don't you want to know what it is?"  Nope.  He said he didn't care what it was - he'd join in.  And he did. 


A few years ago I went to Vegas with 3 of my friends.  One afternoon while walking around we found ourselves in an ice bar called "Minus 5".  While there, we noticed a guy close to our age having a drink. He was alone.  We thought it seemed like he didn't want to be alone.  I went over and asked him if he wanted to hang out with us.  "Sure" he replied, also without hesitation.  His name was Jim (well, it still is). He was there for a work conference and was going to be spending that day alone.  The five of us spent the day walking around the strip and later went out for dinner together.  It was a really fun day.


Today I was reflecting on both experiences.  I love that both Jim and Matt didn't stop to ponder if they wanted to participate.  They just did - no questions asked.  Jim didn't even know us.  Granted, we didn't know him either.  But your gut just steers you in the right direction sometimes. (For those who will be negative nelly and say it's dangerous and 'crazy' to engage strangers - shut it.  I know that. Obviously.  But your conscience just knows better, I think. Also, I guarantee I have more fun than you.)

Sometimes you can't plan for things.  Things that are spontaneous can lead you to new things, new experiences and new people.  Having an open mind and an open agenda are required and often rewarding.  I like where life takes you when you're ready for it.  This is my personal reminder to be ready and willing to things that may come my way. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Puck You, Cancer

Relay for Life is tonight. I am proud of my friends/teammates for raising an incredible $7670.00 (and counting) for the Canadian Cancer Society.  We are currently in the lead for the top fundraising team.  A shout-out to my friend Claudia for the highest individual fundraising efforts as well. $4500 is kick ass and you are awesome. 
The photo above is from an event I put on back in May, titled "Puck You, Cancer"  A way to raise money for a cause while doing something fun. Second year and another successful turn out.  We will hit the ice again next May. 

Thank you to everyone for your donations. 

Go Team Roadhouse!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today's Random Thoughts

  • There is a kitten sleeping on my lap.  I can't get enough of this little peach.  She is so sleepy all the time and she loves to be snuggled. Yesterday I counted how many cats I've fostered.  This is #16.  Am I a crazy cat lady if I don't keep any of them?  People ask how I give them back but knowing I can provide a good home for new moms and their babies makes it easy. If I keep any, I can't do that anymore. I also love naming them.  I bought a 'Baby Name' book at a garage sale for $0.25 for the sole purpose of naming cats.  If having 16 cats doesn't make me crazy - that might. 
  • Why are nude bras invisible through white shirts but white bras aren't? 
  • At what point in my life will I stop watching Seinfeld episodes?
  • I want to be comfortable wearing a swim cap at the pool.  I'm not there yet.  Yesterday this cute old lady was wearing a shower cap in the pool.  That made me laugh.  And think she was awesome. 
  • I think I have Misophonia.  Me and Kelly Ripa.  For real.  Google it.  Gum chomping and mouth smacking makes my insides cringe. 
  • I just read THIS ARTICLE about a small community in Texas who is standing behind a local man accused of murdering a man he caught abusing his daughter.  Most often these days, the news makes me sad.  Not today.  
  • I have developed an irrational fear of bears.  A few weeks ago I saw one on the golf course and since then, have been dreaming about them.  They are taunting me in my sleep.  The frequent local bear sightings are increasing my anxiety.  They are no longer hanging out in the forest.  They are partying in suburbia now. Geez. I golfed again tonight and the sign posted at the clubhouse certainly didn't ease my worry.  There was a lady golfing one hole ahead of me wearing a black shirt and black pants.  I thought she was a bear about 6 times.  I'm an idiot.

Favourite of the Day:  I finally got my hands on baby Adellina.  Can you move home Emmilia?