Saturday, June 23, 2012

Spontaniety and Adventures

One random Monday night, I walked into my friend Matt's bedroom well after midnight with an odd suggestion.  "Want to go on an adventure?" I asked.  Without hesitation he said sure.  Surprised at his quick response, I questioned him.  "Don't you want to know what it is?"  Nope.  He said he didn't care what it was - he'd join in.  And he did. 


A few years ago I went to Vegas with 3 of my friends.  One afternoon while walking around we found ourselves in an ice bar called "Minus 5".  While there, we noticed a guy close to our age having a drink. He was alone.  We thought it seemed like he didn't want to be alone.  I went over and asked him if he wanted to hang out with us.  "Sure" he replied, also without hesitation.  His name was Jim (well, it still is). He was there for a work conference and was going to be spending that day alone.  The five of us spent the day walking around the strip and later went out for dinner together.  It was a really fun day.


Today I was reflecting on both experiences.  I love that both Jim and Matt didn't stop to ponder if they wanted to participate.  They just did - no questions asked.  Jim didn't even know us.  Granted, we didn't know him either.  But your gut just steers you in the right direction sometimes. (For those who will be negative nelly and say it's dangerous and 'crazy' to engage strangers - shut it.  I know that. Obviously.  But your conscience just knows better, I think. Also, I guarantee I have more fun than you.)

Sometimes you can't plan for things.  Things that are spontaneous can lead you to new things, new experiences and new people.  Having an open mind and an open agenda are required and often rewarding.  I like where life takes you when you're ready for it.  This is my personal reminder to be ready and willing to things that may come my way. 


Cheese Makes Me Happy said...

Thank you for reminding me that I sometimes need to be a "Yes Man" (a la Jim Carey)!

Amber said...

Thank you for telling my inner grandma to shut it. She needs to be told that sometimes. I'd go on an adventure with you any day! Mostly just so I'd have a cool story to tell at parties.

Heidi said...

This is why I love you. You've got an infectious attitude and you're so totally open to EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. You're a rare and beautiful bird.

And yes, you probably have more fun than most people because of this outlook. You're also an extrovert and an entertainer, so the inclination to include everyone on the fun is innate.

We'd be BFFs if you lived here.