Saturday, February 27, 2010

How $0.25 = A million bucks

I once lent out my favourite book. This was a stupid move on my part, only because I have no idea who I lent it to. It is my nature to forget everything and I should have known that would happen. I was very sad about this. While I'm not one of those crazy book people, I certainly cherish the ones I love.

Luckily, one day this past summer, I went to Richards Landing for an art festival. For anyone who doesn't know, Richards Landing is the cutest town in Ontario. It is perfectly suited with an ice cream parlour, a marina, a used book store and little gift shops filled with treasures. It is my version of Stars Hollows. (And I'm Lorelai, not Rory - minus the awful speedy banter).

They had little tables set up selling everything from hand knit mittens, homemade jam, wooden signs, pottery - a storybook setting for a hot summer day. I came across a table of used books. I shuffled through them and shockingly stumbled upon my favourite book. AND it was in mint condition for a mere quarter. A quarter.

I know it was meant to be. I loved this book so much it found its way back to me.

It is called "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb. If you haven't read it yet - you should. And if you're silly enough to ask if you can borrow mine - no, you can't.

Favourite of the Day: Experiencing the most satisfying real-life pee after a horendous pee dream.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The stars aligned for me today.

As my mom would say, I pulled a boner today.

During my lunch hour I went to Canadian Tire to fill up on gas. I went there specifically because I wanted to buy a car wash too. After I put in $45.00 worth of gas, I went inside to pay. But guess what? No wallet. I quickly ran back out to my car in hopes I left it in there, but deep down I knew I didn't. I knew it was sitting on my desk at work. I went back inside, not quite sure what I was going to tell the gas guy. Just as I was about to explain my predicament, in walks this guy I work with. Oh man - talk about good timing! He quickly offered to pay for my gas - what a guy.

Do you think asking him to buy me a car wash would have been pushing my luck? ; )

Favourite of the Day: Other than this...Ashleigh McIvor won the Gold today!! I'm hoping the boys pull through on the ice tonight....

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey, in case you didn't know...

Did you know people actually parallel park?  Like in real life?  

I know - weird eh?

I saw it happen today and I was surprised to say the least.  

If I was faced with a situation where the only place left to park required me to parallel park, the solution is quite simple - I'd just keep driving and make new plans.  End of story. 

A much better day...

Thankfully, yesterday was much better than the previous one. It was 'Family Day' so we went skating. Afterwards I went to a little reunion at my friend Amber's.  Years ago, I worked at Blockbuster. It was the best job I ever had in my life. Not because of the job, but simply because of the people.  I worked with some really amazing people. Amber hosted a little Blockbuster reunion and made us an amazing dinner.  It was so good to catch up with friends I don't see enough. And boy do they make me laugh.  

The day was topped off with kisses from Simon, my favourite three legged friend.  What could beat that?

Here's a few more pics: 

My mom and I

My sister and my niece.

My brother and sister-in-law.

Here's a cute video of my mom and nieces skating. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

I hate today.

I need to vent about how much I hate today.  

Let's start at the beginning.  A few weeks back I looked at my schedule and made note that the kids I coach had a practice this morning at 8, and I had my own game to play tonight at 7pm.  I was supposed to work from 8am-8pm so I would have missed both.  I decided to book the day off.  I felt like a good coach and a good teammate for doing this.  

So, I went to bed early last night knowing I had to get up early today to drive completely across town for the practice, which I had to run by myself because none of the other coaches could make it.  (Note: Running practices by yourself really sucks)  So, I get there and there are THREE kids there.  THREE.  Parents are supposed to let us know when they aren't coming - no one did. I was so rattled I forgot to give the kids the Valentine treats I had went out and bought for them. 

Then, after spending the day getting nothing accomplished, I drove to the same rink, completely across town AGAIN to find that only two other players from my own team showed up for my game.  Great.  We forfeited the game.  

Then I went to yet another rink to do scorekeeping for mens league. During the first game I watched a guy blow, what I've now learned is called a snot rocket, all over the place - which isn't anything new. (This completely repulses me, as I've said before).  But this particular rocket was extra gross and the guy had snot all over his beard and I actually gagged when I saw this.  

In the second game, I forgot to start the clock once and this guy sarcastically says to me "oh, don't worry, I understand - Running the clock can be very difficult".  A few minutes later, I was trying to fix the heater in the bottom of the booth when apparently this same guy got a penalty. The ref did not tell me this.  So when I sit back up, this douche bag asks me when his penalty is done.  Obviously, I have no idea since I didn't know it happened.  And he chirps me again; "Wow, I see you're struggling with this really difficult job you have".   

I BOOKED OFF FOR THIS.  I hate today. 


Favourite of the Day: Ya, right. 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Red and Gold Forever

They've started construction to tear down my highschool. I shouldn't be sad about this, but I am. I graduated from highschool 12 years ago and guess how many times I've been back inside it since? ZERO. So, it's not like I'm going to miss strolling through the hallways reminiscing of the good ol' days. I'm not. I guess I'm sad about the lost opportunity, had I ever chosen to do that.

I know some people set foot out of highschool and never look back. But I am not one of them. I look back on those five years with a smile on my face. (And if you're American and reading this...I am not an idiot...Ontario had 5 years of highschool back then).

Think of who you were that first weary day of grade nine as you nervously tried to find your way, then think of who you were the day you wrote your last exam and walked away with your head held high - It's unbelievable what can change in such short amount of time. Amazing, really.

There are millions of memories hidden inside that building. Belonging to the thousands and thousands of students who grew up there...and even to the ones who never grew up at all.  They can tear down the building, but I hope the memories we all take away always stand tall. 

Regardless of what school goes up in its place, red and gold will always bleed a little magic in my heart.  Once a Brave, always a Brave. 


Opening Ceremonies are today! I am more excited for these Olympics than ever before. Maybe it's because I got to touch the Olympic torch this year? Maybe because I know a bunch of people going to see them live? Who knows.  I do know that all the press, the commercials...and that song? Completely successful in arousing my excitement!

I can't wait to watch the men's and women's hockey. 

And was it merely a coincidence that today I went to Zellers and they had barrels of these mittens, which had previously been sold out time and time again?  I think not.  

Let the games begin!!

G O     C A N A D A

Favourite of the Day: Would it be too obvious if I said it was getting these mittens? Ya? Okay. Well, how about that I went to buy my nieces some Valentine's today and it made me remember how fun Valentines Day was when I was a kid. I loved colouring the little brown bag and then hanging it along the black board ledge. Then filling out all the cards and dropping them into everyone bags and excitedly going home to read the ones I got. So fun and sweet!