Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A much better day...

Thankfully, yesterday was much better than the previous one. It was 'Family Day' so we went skating. Afterwards I went to a little reunion at my friend Amber's.  Years ago, I worked at Blockbuster. It was the best job I ever had in my life. Not because of the job, but simply because of the people.  I worked with some really amazing people. Amber hosted a little Blockbuster reunion and made us an amazing dinner.  It was so good to catch up with friends I don't see enough. And boy do they make me laugh.  

The day was topped off with kisses from Simon, my favourite three legged friend.  What could beat that?

Here's a few more pics: 

My mom and I

My sister and my niece.

My brother and sister-in-law.

Here's a cute video of my mom and nieces skating. 

1 comment:

Heidi said...

These pictures (and that video) is making me miss home SO MUCH. Ice skating! Mittens! Moms! Other than the three-legged dog, I have all these things at my disposal should I return to Buffalo.

I think your family is adorable.