Monday, February 15, 2010

I hate today.

I need to vent about how much I hate today.  

Let's start at the beginning.  A few weeks back I looked at my schedule and made note that the kids I coach had a practice this morning at 8, and I had my own game to play tonight at 7pm.  I was supposed to work from 8am-8pm so I would have missed both.  I decided to book the day off.  I felt like a good coach and a good teammate for doing this.  

So, I went to bed early last night knowing I had to get up early today to drive completely across town for the practice, which I had to run by myself because none of the other coaches could make it.  (Note: Running practices by yourself really sucks)  So, I get there and there are THREE kids there.  THREE.  Parents are supposed to let us know when they aren't coming - no one did. I was so rattled I forgot to give the kids the Valentine treats I had went out and bought for them. 

Then, after spending the day getting nothing accomplished, I drove to the same rink, completely across town AGAIN to find that only two other players from my own team showed up for my game.  Great.  We forfeited the game.  

Then I went to yet another rink to do scorekeeping for mens league. During the first game I watched a guy blow, what I've now learned is called a snot rocket, all over the place - which isn't anything new. (This completely repulses me, as I've said before).  But this particular rocket was extra gross and the guy had snot all over his beard and I actually gagged when I saw this.  

In the second game, I forgot to start the clock once and this guy sarcastically says to me "oh, don't worry, I understand - Running the clock can be very difficult".  A few minutes later, I was trying to fix the heater in the bottom of the booth when apparently this same guy got a penalty. The ref did not tell me this.  So when I sit back up, this douche bag asks me when his penalty is done.  Obviously, I have no idea since I didn't know it happened.  And he chirps me again; "Wow, I see you're struggling with this really difficult job you have".   

I BOOKED OFF FOR THIS.  I hate today. 


Favourite of the Day: Ya, right. 


Heidi said...

Wow! Kyle is even more fired up about this than you!

You should be able to call a penalty on snot rockets. That's all I've got to say.

Anonymous said...

Snot Rockets.. should be just as illegal as swearing on baseball fields.. that is nasty.. and to chirp you.. HE is the one with issues.. you should have fired something back at him, like.. "do you have a job or do you make a living out of being an A$$hole?"

MEN.. those are the day's that I high five lesbians!
Sara M