Monday, October 19, 2009

This is super gross, sorry.

When my friend Amy and I were in University we took a road trip to Hamilton to visit friends at MacMaster University.  We snuck into an all boys dorm to stay with a friend for a few nights. They had a 'no girls allowed' rule - but we stayed there anyway, sneaking in quick bathroom trips and guarded shower time.  After we had been there awhile I think the boys forgot we were there.  It was interesting.  We saw boys being boys - just being themselves, comfortable in their own. 

Sometimes I feel like this when I do scorekeeping for men's hockey. (This a new thing I do in my spare time).  Sitting in the little booth between the two benches, I see the men in their element. Unfortunately this means I also see some pretty repulsive behavior. Prepare yourself ladies - I'm about to share some disturbing information;  

Guys blow snot all over the place.  

Ya, that's right - Wherever they are sitting or standing, no matter who is around them.  They put their finger over one nostril and just blow snot out, free to roam wherever it may roam. Without fail, I have seen this happen multiple times at every single game.  It makes me want to throw up. (I've seen multiple guys throw up too).  

Never, in a million years would a girl ever do this.  EVER. 

I just got back from doing a game right now and one of the guys walked over to the garbage can behind me to blow his snot there and I actually thought "Awww, what a nice guy...he used the garbage can".  Right, like he's a gentleman.  

This is absurd.  I'm getting desensitized.  I feel like I need to go get a manicure and watch Beaches. 

Favourite of the Day:  I've recently been introduced to Del Monte Pink Grapefruit Cups. I LOVE these.  They don't sell these locally, but my friend Dana got me some from Kingston.  She put them in a cooler bag with ice and boarded them on a PLANE  to bring home for me??  How crazy is that?  I ate one for breakfast today.  I only have ten so I have to ration them.  I could honestly eat about six a day. 



Natasha said...

LOL. "Get a manicure and watch Beaches." Hey, how come you don't update Facebook when you update your blog? Wish you would.

We have those Pink Grapefruit Cups. They look good but I've never bought one. I'll have to give one a try, unless they have added sugar. Maybe that was why I chose not to buy the peaches one, one day.

Heidi said...

Joe picks his nose. I'm repulsed by it. Every time he reaches for it I yell, "STOP PICKING." Like he's two years old. There's no excuse for this. He says it's merely good grooming.

Hey, I've been wondering: how do you feel about hockey mullets? I bet you think they're kinky.

Amy said...

P.S. You're welcome for introducing you to the grapefruit cups. They are the best! :) That was one fun trip to Hamilton eh? I miss trips like that....

Luffman said...

I think that it's absolutely hilarious that you refered to the garbage snot blower as a gentleman!