Friday, October 30, 2009

Kevin vs. Phyllis

This post is for Office lovers only.

(I'll give those suckers who don't watch this show a moment to click elsewhere...)

***pictures stolen from NBC's website***

I think The Office is absolutely the best comedy on television. The writers are brilliant and the cast is an all time best. Their timing and delivery is top notch. I can't really put into adequate words how much I love this show.

The other day at work, my friend and I were debating who was the best character on the show. Not counting the main four (Michael, Dwight, Jim & Pam) we narrowed it down to two: Kevin and Phyllis. I am pretty adamant it is Phyllis, but he thinks it is Kevin.  After some discussion of certain scenes and lines, I may be wavering towards switching to team Kevin. Recently, Kevin has had some good scenes - like when he went to Jim and Pam's wedding wearing Kleenex boxes as shoes, or 'borrowing' Jim's office to fart. But then there is Phyllis. She has some great one-liners; "I wonder what people like about me?....I bet it's my jugs". Oh, that line makes me full out belly laugh. 

Yes, I think ultimately I'm staying with Phyllis. 

Anyway, I hope to hear from everyone else who loves this show.   Consider the following characters: 


I left out Ryan, Toby and Erin.  Basically because I don't think they should be considered a top character because they aren't that funny.  I wish Holly was still around.  The parody of Slumdog Millionaire she did with Michael should have earned her a permanent spot on the show.  She had the best chemistry with him and was a perfect fit for this show.

Who is your favourite?

Un - Favourite of the Day:  My two 7 year old nieces are both in Grade Two at the same school.  They were in a talent show at school today and I forgot to go.  Had I gone, I KNOW this would have been my Favourite of the Day.  I'm certainly not winning Aunt of the Year today. 


Andrea said...

My favourite is definetely Andy...what did he say on the last show: if he doesn't get to sing the rest of his song its like holding in a sneeze! that made me laugh!!

mirella. said...

Same here, Andy is by FAR my favourite of the bunch! I think he's just as funny as Michael/Dwight!

However, I do have to give mad props (yeah, I just said that) to Kevin, Phyllis, Stanley, Kelly, Meredith and Creed because they also craaaack me up (Angela & Oscar, not so much.. they have their moments, I guess)

Heidi said...

Joe says Kevin. He didn't even falter. Hands-down Kevin. Me? I love the red-headed bitch. Meredith. Don't ask me why. Every time I see her scowl, I howl.

Happy Halloween Sara!

Amy said...

I can't even pick a favourite - I love them all.

In the discussion between Phyllis and Kevin? I have to say Kevin. When he is running up to Pam and yelling at her boobs "Whaah Whaaah" to make her breast milk come in - I was crying. But I think the most underrated character is Creed. Every episode leaves you thinking 'Who is this guy?' makes me laugh. He's definitely not the funniest but needs to get at least a mention.