Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Actual Conversation

It was my sister Amy's birthday today and we went to see a movie. We saw "The Box" starring Cameron Diaz and James Marsden. Here is the conversation that took place as we walked out of the theatre:

Me: "Hey Aim, remember that time our dog died on my birthday?"

Amy: "Ya"

Me: "Well, I think you just trumped me for the having WORST BIRTHDAY EVER"

Okay, so I'm being melodramatic. But the movie really was that bad. I can't even express the magnitude of it's crapness. Do not give that movie your time or money. Ever.


(Also, she didn't really trump me. Because....C'mon.)


Natasha said...

Even the previews looked bad and incomprehensible. I've seen three previews and I don't know what the movie was about.

That was a sad birthday. You have a new one coming up though! Remind me the day? The 8th? 6th? 11th?

Sara said...

It's the 3rd....the big 3-0 is quickly approaching!!