Sunday, October 18, 2009


I think children have this anti-creepy gene that we must lose during puberty. Have you ever seen some of the toys kids play with?  Kids are immune to the creepiness of them.  Over Thanksgiving weekend some of the toys we played with years and years ago made their way out of my aunt's basement.   Sorry this is sideways, but check out the awfulness of this:

I watched in horror as 2 year old Owen did this over and over again. Laughing and giggling each time - like it was actually a fun toy to play with.  

Similarly, I was at Christmas party two years ago when Jane and I stumbled upon this doll at my friend John's house.  The doll's name is Joey.  John loves Joey and was apparently his childhood prized possession.  Even as an adult, working on a cruise ship, his mother mailed him Joey in a care package.  Joey has travelled the world.  But here is the problem; Joey is creepy. Here is Jane, being creeped out by Joey: 

John and his wife now have a beautiful one year old daughter.  I was half laughing, half mortified when I recently saw a picture of her with Joey clutched tightly in her arms.  I am sure John's wife is NOT impressed.  

Unfortunately, I think she will have to wait a good 12 years or so before she can safely put Joey in a box in the basement where he belongs.  


Heidi said...

JOEY!!! What a fugly little doll.

Do you watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm?" If so, tell me you've seen the JUDY DOLL episode. The best episode ever.

Speaking of creepy kid's toys, how about that bitch puppet in Mister Roger's Land of Make Believe? Lady Elaine?

John Merrett said...

JOEY DOES NOT BELONG IN A BOX IN THE BASEMENT. The only type of box he needs is a display case on the mantle to keep peoples dirty little fingers off of him.

And Olivia Loves him. She says hi to him every day. Sometimes i leave him in the car seat when Olivia and I exit the car. Julie loves looking in the rearview mirror and seeing him in the car seat.

mirella. said...

a) I could not agree with you more about that damn Jack-in-the-Box! I hate clown-like things, in general, and having a mini one jump out at me to the tune of horrifying music is not fun.
Once I baby-sat this snotty little kid who would not stop crying unless I continually made his Jack-in-the-Box jump out of his box. I wanted to scream and maybe cry a little. So creepy.

b) The Judy Doll episode!! LOL

Amy said...

Just an FYI - I was showing Kevin this and Damian is asking me over and over again for "more toy?"....he LOVES that toy.