There is a magical essence in that store and I love it.
As you roam through the store, fascinated by the walls and rows of bins, colours, textures and styles, you must become slightly mesmerized. It suddenly becomes acceptable for one of the Victoria Secret girls to talk to you about your boobs. And it's not even weird.
They can look at & comment on your boobs. How is that not weird? But it isn't.
My first experience in that store was in Grandville, a few years ago. The girl in the store (shall I refer to her as a V.S Fairy?) told me my bra was just 'not working for me'. Oh? I say humbly. But she was right and she proved it. She buzzed around the store quickly and came back with a bra (that may or may not have had a halo hovering over it). She had me stare at myself 'before', and then again 'after' she worked her magic. Ten minutes later I don't even bat an eye spending $69.00US on ONE bra. Something I would NEVER do in the real world. *Side note: This was back when the American dollar was not what it is today*
And really - who is this girl? Why do I trust her so much. Does she have that much training? She could be anyone. She could be the girl from the movies last night who kicked my chair all night and annoyed me. But give her a black outfit and a measuring tape and I believe every word she says.
You know what I am? A corporate dream. A statistic. You advertise; I buy.
I went back to the magical place two weeks ago. My friend was looking for a new bra and I was along for the ride. I watched one of the fairies walk up to her and measure her - disagreeing with the size bra she chose. Calling her out on her mistake - right in the middle of the store! Again, not weird when its happening. Minutes later, I watch her walk right into her change room, lift up her shirt and pull on the clasp at the back. It was then I realized the power these fairies have. I could never imagine a complete stranger doing that to me. Anywhere else and you would have them arrested.
I was wearing uncomfortable shoes that day and my feet were really sore. I jumped at the chance to sit on a chair in the store that was conveniently located between two change rooms. I sat and listened to some funny conversations and watched some fairies work their magic. I was pleasantly amused.
I listened to one comment to a woman on her 'top heavy frame', to which she defensively announced that she had seven kids. The fairy would sneak into her change room and comment on all the different bras she tried on. As though the woman said; "Hey- I am going to take off my clothes, then you come in here and judge me" I didn't see the 'before' and 'after' show - but I could tell this mother was quite pleased with her results. Frankly, I think the fairy should have sprinkled her with a wand and given her a bra for free. Simply for pumping out seven kids - but that's just my opinion.
Anyway, we left the store, my friend with her new bra in hand, walked back through the magical doorway and into to the real world; where the only stranger who talks to me about my boobs is wearing a white coat and a stethoscope.
That's funny. I want to see your before and after!
I need to get a job at Victoria's Secret
-- Matt
omg.... it's funny because it's so true!!!!!
- mirella
Okay, I laughed my ass off at this. You forgot to mention how happy I was when we got back home with the bra, I'm still happy! My boobs just look "nice" now in the magical bra the fairy picked out for me.
Next time... PHOTOS! You know who I am ;-)
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