Monday, September 29, 2008

A letter of Thanks

Dear Person who lives near me,

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your internet with me. I've calculated that you've saved me over $300.00. If I knew who you were, or where you were, I'd properly thank you. I might even bake you some cookies or something.

If there is anything I can do for you, like share my cable, let me know. I'm "nice" like that too.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ode to Doogie

Remember how at the end of every episode of Doogie Howser he would turn on his computer and write this insightful one-liner summarizing his day and the life lesson learned?  

I wish I was cool enough to do that.   

I also wish I had a little italian friend named Vinnie that would randomly climb through my window to visit me.   Just kidding. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ode To Maya

There are two famous women in life that I just absolutely love. Well, three...but everyone loves Oprah, so I am not including her here. Loving Oprah is just a given. Anyway, my thoughts here today are of Dr. Maya Angelou. I randomly came across a quote of hers today and it brought a smile to my face.

Anyone who watches Oprah knows her deep love for this woman. She speaks so highly of her and in great awe. I am not sure if it was Oprah that got me into her in the first place. It's quite possible. Either way, I too, am in awe of this woman. Her life story is beyond incredible and her work can leave you speechless. I can't begin to get into details here because I wouldn't do her justice.

So you can imagine my surprise and excitement when, two years ago, I found out that Maya was going to my old University. She was doing a talk at the school that evening. How I didn't find out about that sooner is beyond me but I was thankful to have learned of it in the first place. I called the school and found out there were only two tickets left. I bought one immediately and called as many people as I could that I thought would be available to go. Unfortunately (for them...suckers!) no one was available. Anyway, I went alone and loved every minute of it. I left there with a special feeling; like I had been touched by her presence.

Reading her work is one thing. But hearing her speak is another. Physically, I was surprised to see her. She is 6 feet tall with a deep, strong voice. She speaks like she is singing - with great flow. Actually, she did sing that night as well. She did not use paper or cue cards, yet did not miss a beat. It was powerful and beautiful. I still can't figure out how or why she ended up at a small town University in Northern Michigan. But she did and I am so thankful. (If you haven't gotten the message here...I'm trying to tell you to go and read her work.)

Today I came upon this quote she once said:

"If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go into the street and start grinning 'Good Morning' at total strangers"

I know this isn't the most profound poetic thing she's ever said. But it did get me thinking. I began to think about how often we take people in our life for granted. Not that I plan to go out and scowl at strangers from this point on - but I am really going to try to be conscious of where I direct my energy. As part of my job I am trained to be polite and use etiquette with customers. Do I go out of my way for strangers? Don't we all? Not that I think that's a bad quality to be polite and nice. I mean, I'm all about paying it forward and making the world a better place. But we may be quick to jump at those in our life. Take out our exhaustion or frustration on those closest to us. It's also important to remember that for people important in our life, something small and simple can make all the difference in their day. I know it can for me. A quick phone call to say hi, a short email that lets me know I was on someone's mind. Even a text message here and there is nice. I know a phone call home makes my mom so happy.

My lesson from Maya today is to treat those I love well and appreciate the good in my life. Live in the now with no regrets.

For anyone wondering, the other famous person I love is Bette Midler. I have no idea why. There is no good reason for it. I have just loved her for as long as I can remember. I know she's doing shows in Vegas right now and I would die to go to one.

An ultimate dream for me would be to drink wine and chat with Oprah, Bette and Maya. Like my own twisted episode of Sex and the City. We'd be friends for life.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why it pays to be lazy...

More often than not, we need to learn to see the glass as half full. Which is why I am declaring that it pays to be lazy.  Tonight I found a pair of pants I forgot I own.  How cool is that??  New pants!  In a big pile of clothes on my laundry room floor, (a pile which I label, "not important - can wait until later" clothes),  I stumbled upon these pants.   And I literally did stumble on them.  I wasn't being proactive nor energetic enough to actually tackle the task of washing these clothes.  I truly did just trip over them, in a quest to find my baseball socks.  Yes, there are such things as baseball socks.  Though they are the same as my golf socks, they quite differ from my hockey socks.  Anyway, let's stay on topic here.   I equate finding my new pants as fun as finding something exciting in your old coat at the start of a new season.   How fun is it to put on last years winter coat and find money in the pocket.  I'm quite positive an organized individual does not experience this luxury - HA! I scoff at these individuals.  Look what you're missing out on!! Free money! Well, the money is about as free as the pants I found tonight are new - but humour me.   

And I don't even need to find money to get excited.  Bring on an old lip gloss and I'm elated.  

I remember years ago my family had a big garage sale.  My mom was selling all of my great uncles old clothes.   This guy buys a pair of pants for $0.50.  In an effort to, I don't know, admire the pants I guess, he held them up against him and walked around.  Wanted to make sure they fit, etc.  Well, in this charade he finds a $20.00 in the back pocket. It's too bad he did this right in front of us because he then felt obligated to give it back. Sucker.   Had he waited until he got home to just try them on, he would have profited $19.50.  Bringing me back to my main point - here is yet another example of how it would have paid to be lazy.  Literally.