Saturday, December 13, 2008

Matchmaking; from a 4 year old

Single people, like myself, sometimes find themselves trying to be set up by others.  I don't think this is a bad thing.  It can be a good way to meet new people. And obviously the person introducing you thinks you have some similarities or compatibility.
But what does it say about you when your 4 year old niece is concerned for your future.  Should that get me worried?  Sometimes kids are smarter than we give them credit for.  Here is some superior problem solving skills from the mind of a child.  

While driving in the car one night, my niece started asking me questions.  The conversation went something like this: 

Avery: "Auntie - why do you live alone"
Me:       "What do you mean?" 
Avery: "Where is your husband?" 
Me:  "I don't have a husband" 
Avery:  "Why"  
Me:  "Because I haven't met the right person yet"
Avery:  "Why"   *oh, don't we love the infamous why's?*
Me:  "I don't know.  Maybe someday I'll meet someone and fall in love and then maybe he would be my husband." 
Avery: "Oh"  

This was followed by silence.  I knew she was processing what I'd just told her. A few minutes later she speaks up. Apparently she's solved my problem and found me a husband. 

Avery:  "You know what Auntie, you should come to my daycare at 5:00" 
Me:  "Why?" 
Avery: "Oh - because there are lots of husbands there."

Children are sweet.  You never know what is going to come out of their mouths. I think Kindergarten teachers should come together and write a book of quotes. It would be a best seller. Side note here - I just want to throw out there how annoying it is to me when people say "kind-y-garten" Like that is cute somehow.  The guy on our local radio station says that and it really grinds my gears.  I want to call him and tell him to stop.  But I don't want to come off as one of those petty, uptight people.  But deep down, maybe a part of me is petty and uptight. Well, maybe I'm only uptight when it comes to grammar.   

I really went off on a tangent there.  Back to my niece.  

This is the same kid who, the first day I picked her up from the above daycare announced this upon my arrival: 

"Hey Cathy - This is my aunt I was telling you about.  She always forgets to say 'excuse me' when she burps" 

And I'm left there standing awkwardly.  

Hi Cathy.  Nice to meet you.  


Anonymous said...

LOL. Ahh, funny. You could make a book just from your nieces' quotes.

Your niece's plan is perfect if you don't have any qualms with being a mistress or seducing someone's husband.

Rusty Southwick said...

That was funny! And cute. Isn't it interesting how kids process information and how their logic works? If you're looking for a husband, go to where the husbands are... Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Oh my daughter. She never has missed a beat. And don't worry, Cathy probably thought that was pretty funny. Acutally, she probably thought, "She's just like her sister..."

C.Flower said...

Chatting with children makes awesome blog fodder! Bring Avery back!