Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quests and Directions

Did you ever think you would end up wandering through a grocery store trying to figure out what food most resembled nipples? I didn't either...but that's exactly what I did this weekend. I was sticking to mostly the cookie aisle and candy aisle. I was deep in thought focusing on the goal at hand when I stopped myself and realized what I was doing. I wished someone was there to share the moment with me because it made me laugh. Then I got over it and continued on my quest for the perfect edible nipple. Which I found - Thank you "Baby Pacifier" candies. With them, I was able to finish this cake I made. 

In unrelated news, today I had to call my mom to drive me home from the car dealership. As we are driving down the highway this conversation took place:

My mom: "Okay, you need to tell me where to turn"
Me: "What are you talking about"
My mom: "...where to turn. To get to your house"
Me: "Mom, I've lived in this house for 5 years now"
My mom: "I know. But I always go the same way and this isn't it"
Me: "But this is the simplest way. It's off the highway and there's only one turn"
My mom: "I know. I just don't come this way."

Oh my mom. I love her.

*Note: On my blog I've now used the words nipple & boner in strange context. To all you perv's who've accidentally found yourself here through random googles.....haha suckers.


C.Flower said...

I got to your blog through Natasha's. Your dialogue with your mother reminds me of mine with my mother. I have a couple questions about your candy nipples:
1.) Is the cake for your boobies or someone else's?
2.) Whoever the boobies belong to, where are they going?

As for other candies/cookies that resemble nipples, perhaps Vanilla wafers with white chocolate kisses in the center.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!