A few years ago Amy and I took Darienne and Avery to the water park for the day.Most of the staff at the park were foreign students from all over the world.Their name tags had the country they were from written underneath their name.
As we paid for our tickets, five year old Darienne noticed one girl was from Spain.She excitedly told her she had friend who lived in Spain and could speak Spanish. Then she said “Maybe you know her – her name is Dora”
Might I make this bold statement? If lesbians were to square off with straight chicks in a music competition, Team Lez would take home the gold.
This is unrelated but I went to Wendy's the other day and I got this in my meal. If you don't see why this cracked me up - were not friends. Also, this was the same Wendy's that Bri did the Undies Parade in. How much do I love this place?
I decided that I hate Starbucks. I'm not sure why I suddenly became so hostile towards the place, but I did. As I stood there looking around and listening to people talk - I realized how much I hate everything about it.
On Wednesday I was down in Southern Ontario and I had some time to kill. I was hungry and I saw one within walking distance. I went in and ordered a "Skinny Peppermint Mocha". Which I thought was a mint flavoured hot chocolate. It wasn't. It had espresso or some other gross crap in it. "Skinny" meant they used non-fat milk. Though I'm not sure how skinny it was when the girl put whip cream on it. Genius, right?
I also ordered a muffin. The stupid "Venti" mocha and muffin put me out $8.00. Ridiculous.
As I stood there waiting for the girl to ever-so-non-chalantly-despite-the-crazy-line-up create this fancy shmancy dumb drink at a turtle's pace, I listened to other people order their drinks. Venti. Grande. Soy. Non Fat. No Whip. Skinny. No Foam. Half this. Half that.
How about a nice warm glass of shut the hell up? (Happy Gilmore, anyone?)
DON'T PEOPLE JUST ORDER COFFEE ANY MORE? The smug and pretentious clouds in the room were burning my eyes so I promptly left. Thankfully, I don't drink coffee. I rarely drink hot drinks. My hatred for this store means nothing and affects no one. I just needed to vent. Okay. Done.
For all you supporters - I went to their website. I acknowledge they do some good. Responsibly Grown. Fair Trade Coffee. Economic Accountability. Social Responsibility. Yada Yada Yada.
I stand by the fact that if some dude had to create a chart to decipher your menu - you suck.
Side note: Did you know this sweet actress, Frances Bay, died in September at the young age of 92?
Favourite of the Day: Tonight my sister told me she tried to show her dog a picture on her iPad but 'he wouldn't look at it'. HAHAHAHAHA.