I'm sharing here my top five fictional crushes. Note: These crushes are not on the actors, but on their characters-their t.v. personas. These will most likely change based on my rotating show following. You see, I am one of those people who get addicted to shows. When I get my hands on a new series I fall off the planet. The show consumes my life. I can't just watch one episode - I can't stop. I have to watch the whole thing all at once. I have an addictive personality.
So lets quickly summarize the who's and the why's of my fictional love life.
Jim Halpert (The Office): I want to be his Pam. He's the guy who gets cuter and cuter each time you see him. He's the guy you have inside jokes with that no one else would

get. You could be across a room from him, but communicate with just a glance. He has that witty sarcasm that turns my crank. He makes jokes, but not to be the funny guy or the centre of attention. If you're the type of person that doesn't get his jokes, he doesn't want you to get them anyway.
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds):

He's the nerdy but intellectually stimulating guy.
He too gets more attractive the more you hear him talk. The way he spits out random statistics cracks me up. He balances being superior and inferior perfectly. He's a genius yet socially akward. But not in an uncomfortable way. More in a way that makes you want to turn your head to the side and saw "aww" - then hug him and kiss him and squeeze him.
Nate Fischer (Six Feet Under): He's the sexy bad boy. He makes a series of bad decisions. And he knows it. But at the same time, he's honest and he lives life the way he wants

Edward Cullen (Twilight): Okay, so this is a characer from a book - I know. This is the crush that caught me most off guard. I am a person that hates any type of book or movie that can't be real. I like true stories, memoirs or things that are believable. I hate all other stuff. I have never seen any Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars...etc. No interest. Which is why I thought I'd be the LAST person to get into a vampire series. Yet, here I am. Not only into the the series, but having a fake crush on a vampire. But Edward, as it turns out, is the ultimate hero. He is everything and more. He is strong, honest, old fashioned, mysterious, trusting, family oriented AND incredibly attractive. He's a protective lion. He's an honourable man you'd take home to your mother. Really, what isn't he? I bet he would not only cut my lawn and snow blow my driveway, but he'd do it in 2 minutes. I think the only thing I wouldn't be happy about is having him climb through my window and watching me sleep.

Ben Covington (Felicity): He is pretty much exactly Nate Fischer, just on a different show. He's a little more "boy next door". But unlike Nate, he got the girl in the end - just like in a fairy tale.
So that's that. I was tempted to include Hank Moody (Californication) in there- but thats actually embarrassing. That guy is a sex addicted, drug addicted bad boy with nothing going for him. I can't even logically explain the crush. But it's there. Maybe he tugs at my dangerous, scandalous inner thoughts. Who knows. I would think my crush may evaporate knowing that David Duchovny married Tea Leone because she's annoying and a bad actress. I think this one will fade fast. It's just a brief phase I'm going through.
So - I'm curious. Who are everyone else's fake t.v crushes???
ahhhhh i totally agree with you about Jim Halpert, Edward Cullen and Ben Covington.
and partially with the guy from Criminal Minds... I've never actually watched the show, but i have flipped through the channels and seen him on the screen and thought "hmmm... i might be interested"... but that's based solely on appearance.
and I haven't seen Six Feet Under, but that man ALSO looks delicious!
i'm going to put mine up in the near future... altho there are some duplicates.
My all-time TV crush had to Dawson's dad. Seriously, as far as TV dad's go, he was freakin' yummy!
And Michael Vaughn from Alias. I'm still crushed that they cancelled that show...I wanted to crush that blonde bitch they made him marry in Season 3, but I guess it's OK, because he blew her up in the end.
And, OK, it's not a character, it's the real person, but have a giant crush on George Stroumboulopoulis. Enough of a crush that I know the way to spell his last name...sigh, maybe someday it can be mine!
Amber, George's wife is pretty cute, so you will have some competition there.
My fake crushes:
Ridiculously gigantic crush on Jude Law's character in The Holiday. I want to take care of him and his girls and turn his world upside down in my little hand.
Robert Downey, Jr.'s character in Ally McBeal. I thought that he'd soooo love and would commit for the first time ever. I rather like him as an actor and person, too.
I never thought Aaron Eckhart was attractive and then I saw No Reservations and thought, Okay, that would be fun.
I like the character in that new show with that guy. Ah! The Mentalist. So glad I remembered that or it would drive me crazy. The whole idea of someone being soooo in tune with you, so observant. Exciting in a creepy stalker kind of way.
The guy from Criminal Minds???? I didn't see that one coming, but I guess I'm not a girl.
People are usually surprised at my fake crushes. Are they real if you stock them?
I think Nicole Oliver is really hot!
Nate has been on my list for years. You've pegged him exactly right- and it's not his looks that make his character great, but rather his depth and intensity. His struggle with his demons and his simultaneous green-ness is surprising. Also, I think people's relationship to their mistakes, anxieties and fears are far more interesting than those who live by simple successes and always taking the road more travelled by.
OK...I know I already responded to this, and there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna piss someone off with this one...but I gotta say, now that I've read 'em, I TOTALLY on Team Jacob.
A--He's human!
B--He's warm!
C--He'd mow your lawn, shovel the driveway AND change the oil in your car!
D--I like them soft and cuddly!
Sorry guys, but it's just the way I feel!
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