Saturday, March 28, 2009

Signs of Spring

Spring is not quite here but it is definitely getting closer, I can feel it. Is it the sounds of birds chirping? The grass peeking through the patches of snow that give it away?  No, not quite. How about the things that nature reveals as the snow melts?  It was a beautiful sunny day today and the sun worked some magic to remind me of something I "may" have forgotten to get rid of last fall.....

Pie anyone? 

Favourite of the Day
Since I had to get up at 5:30am and work all day, it's hard to think of a favourite.  However, I discovered that reading the personal ads on "Craigs List" is both a fantastic way to pass time AND highly entertaining.  i.e. "To the girl on the train wearing a green jacket with one shoelace undone; you were way too fidgety and had extreme facial gestures.  When I went to get off the train I stopped and looked back.  You were looking at me.  I should have said hi"  Wow, true love right there.  

1 comment:

Natasha said...

When you have kids, I have a feeling that I'll not be coming to your house for 10 years, until you get your act together. It's going to be a disaster over there. LOL.

This was funny, though.