Monday, October 18, 2010

Top Ten Annoying Words

Top Ten {Tuesday}

I am both fascinated and intrigued with the English language. Primarily when it is used properly and makes sense. Is that too much to ask? I may be somewhat of a word/grammar snob. I don't necessarily think that is a horrible thing to be.

Here are the top ten words that annoy me most. This list may depict me as a whiner, so I will later create a list of the top ten words I love.

Here we go:

1) Prolly. This makes me crazy. It appears to be the lazy way to type 'probably'. Not that I think that typing 2 extra letters is all that much work.

2) Kindygarten - Kindergarten? Sure. But Kindygarten? With a "y"? Maybe you should go back to Kindergarten and learn the alphabet.

3) Gongshow - WHAT IS THIS?? Is it really anything? No. When I hear adults use this phrase, I can only shake my head. Find some adjectives people.

4) "That's How I Roll" - Okay. This is a phrase, not a word. But I still hate it.

5) Seen - Used in the correct context, this can be a wonderful word. But preceded by the word "I" and I want to take my pen and stab you. I always want to correct people when it is misused but it happens so frequently I would be making a name for myself. A name that rhymes with witch.

6) Yous - Well, this isn't actually a word. Surprisingly though, I hear it more than I should. For example "I seen yous at the movies on Friday." This could only make sense if there were a pack of female sheep at the movies on Friday. But that doesn't make sense either now does it.

7) GoGurt - It is not so much the word but the actual product I find revolting. Therefore, the word makes me cringe. Yogurt you drink out of a tube? Augh. I am not sure why it bothers me so much, but it does.

8) Irregardless - I am surprised by how many people think this is a word.

9) Literally - I don't hate this word. I just hate the frequent misuse of the word. It is so overused it is in danger of losing its literal meaning. It should only be used to distinguish between a figurative and literal meaning of a phrase. However, that is not the case. There is an entire blog devoted solely to track the abuse of it. Check it out here. (It's quite funny).

10) Epic - Once upon a time this word was used to describe heroic deeds in literature or film. It was rare and held high honours. But now everything is epic which is basically saying that nothing is epic. This word has been ruined.

Favourite of the Day: Since it is early in the morning, I will refer to yesterday when I got to meet baby Nicco for the first time. I love babies and he is a cute one!

P.S. Link up your top ten list over at Oh Amanda!


Stacey @ Tree, Root, and Twig said...

I agree with so many of these, it's making me LITERALLY laugh out loud (as opposed to figuratively lol-ing). ;) The newest word added to my own list of peeves? "Beast." My teen daughters use it all the time, as in "oh, that movie was totally beast!" or "i love that singer! he's so beast!" Heaven help me.

JessieLeigh said...

Great list! I smiled along as I read it. I agree with you on so much of this... especially "seen". Ugh. I know there used to be a show called "The Gong Show"... perhaps that is what is being referenced? I've never heard anyone say that though! Oh, and MY pet peeve with "kindergarten" is when people pronounce it "kindergarDen". I'm persnickety like that.

ohAmanda said...

This made me laugh out loud--altho' not literally. More like a soft chuckle.


{Is that word ok?}

Sarah said...

What a great list! Living in the Midwest, I just have to tease people when they say "yous", as in "yous guys". Ahhh, and how everything, everywhere is epic. Like the burger we had for lunch, or someone's facebook status. Haha.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Sadly, I have said, "That's how I roll" many times. I blame my husband, because he says it all the time. Grrrr!

Natasha said...

My son has taken to saying "epic". I told him to stop.

"Your guys's" is my biggest pet peeve, heard all the time in Alberta. has a funny tirade/educational piece about the world "literally".

MarjnHomer said...

my hated two words are "no offense"

mirella. said...

i LOVE this!!!!

Heidi said...

Two of my least favorites words for SOUND ALONE: David Petraeus and caucus.

Your list was spot on. Literally.

Wait, that doesn't make sense. Literally?!!

Yeah, you can only imagine my vocabulary pet peeves. I'm fastidious when it comes to this stuff –– especially in print. Mostly in print.

Yankee Wife said...

LOVED YOUR LIST!!! My father-in-law uses "irregardless" ALL. THE. TIME. It literally drives me insane. Ha!