Sunday, October 19, 2008

Rites Of Passage

As we age in life there are many milestones we pass that make us feel older. When we are young there are significant things to look forward to.  At 16 we can get our drivers license.  Or, coincidentally the year I turn 16 they changed the driving program and we could only get our G2.  So that left looking forward to G1 at 17 and then G shortly thereafter. (Unless you're Matt K and you wait until you are 28 to do this...) Anyway, at 18 you can legally vote and at 19 you can drink.  Then you turn 21 and you can drink across the added bonus when you live on a border town.   At 25 car insurance goes down (so they say, but mine never did). 

I went through all of these stages and also took on a mortgage and got into mutual funds - you can't get more grown up than that.  But somehow, none of these things made me feel like an adult.  To quote Miss Britney Spears; "I'm not a girl; not yet a woman".  LOL

Until last week.   Thanksgiving - 2008.  I became a grown up.  In my mind at least. 

How, you might ask?  My sister and my mom both asked me what I was going to bring to Thanksgiving dinner.  What? Suddenly I am responsible for contributing to a family meal? No more are the days I can just show up and eat. I am now part of the process.  Very weird to me. My mom and my sister were blessed with talents in the kitchen.  It's no secret that cooking is not my forte.  But I am learning and I am trying.  So the fact that they would WANT me to contribute is pretty big.  

So my mom calls, before Thanksgiving, to ask what I was going to bring.  I told her I didn't know but that I wanted to make either a salad or vegetable dish (I have to keep things basic here).  My mom says "Oh, remember in the summer when you made that strawberry/spinach salad?"  I told her I did and got excited thinking I could make that again, until she says "Yah - don't make that"  HA - Something only a mother could say.  

You know what else?  Food is not cheap.  Making a big meal for a big family is a lot of money. It's not something I would take on myself.  I am quite content at this point to bring a little side dish.  Kudos to my mom for the many, many amazing dinners she has cooked for all of us.  I have to give a little shout out to my sister too, as she often does this and her food is always amazing.  (Way to steal those genes you little sneak) 

Last Christmas was the first time I did contribute to a meal, but I think with the frenzy of Christmas I never really thought about it.  

So, as of last week, I am officially a grown up.  Green Beans with sesame seeds and bacon was all it took for me to figure that out.  



mirella. said...

i'm the youngest too, which is why i make nothing for family gatherings.
i will milk this until i can milk no more.
and when my time comes, i believe that is why God invented M&Ms frozen food store.

Anonymous said...

Look at how I've influenced your little blogroll there. I feel so important.

I wish you blogged more often. Your posts make me happy.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I love your sense of humour, your finesse with grammar, or not, I know it's intentional. You need to write a book, have a column, do a television show, like Sault Ste. Marie's female version of Rick Mercer, maybe...crossed with, well, I guess, me, 'cause I really get your humour. You touch a lot of familiar spots in my life that I thought were one-of-a-kinder's; like one of my motto's, from the infamous Paul Harvey, "I hope to one day achieve enough of what the world calls success so that if I'm asked how i did it I'll say, 'I get up when I fall down.' Just keep getting up." My daughter, your friend, sent me the link to your blog, so I read it regularly. Today, she emailed that you like comments and feed back on your crazy life; so...I'll be back...

Anonymous said...

Oh Cat, how I love your blogs. Sorry it took me so long to catch up on them but you know how hectic it's been with me. I was so excited to see that I got mention in one of your notes. Waiting until I was 28 was just one way to keep me feeling young, haha. You have no idea how excited I was when I finally got it though, haha. I believe I even called you to tell you. I think I really need to learn to start being embarassed by things and not so open, haha.
