"Really? You're getting plain?"
"All these great kinds to choose from and you pick plain..."
"You know what? - I'm just a simple guy"
At the time, I thought he was nuts. When you're offered things like Dill Pickle, Ketchup, All Dressed or Salt and Vinegar...how could you choose something as boring as plain?
But now I look at this differently. We live in a world full of too many options. You don't just go to a store now and buy a t.v. You buy a t.v and then get offered warranties, upgrades, contracts, more channels and you get a free cell phone if you commit to something absurd. Nothing is simple anymore. There are hidden fees, too many choices and too many companies competing for the consumer. Doesn't it feel like life is too crazy sometimes?
I used to wonder who would go to Baskin Robbins and order Vanilla ice cream. Or who would go to Tim Hortons and order the plain donuts. Now I feel like I'm at a place in my life where I want the simple things. No decisions, no choices - give me something I know I like and leave it at that. Life is overwhelming some days. Plain is reliable, comforting and reminds me of being a kid.
Scott had it right. I don't know why this chip conversation is still stuck in my head after all these years but I thought about it today when I went to Subway for lunch. As I stood in front of the chip rack faced with so many options, I happily chose the plain chips.
Some days I just want to be a simple girl and I like that.
Favourite of the Day: Waking up in a room filled with sunshine on my newly washed sheets, still smelling like Lavender Vanilla fabric softener.
Love those plain rippled chips. I know rippled might be taking a step away from plain, but....
I also have a new found love for vanilla ice cream, which I would have turned my nose up as a kid. Or, like, two years ago.
Amen sister! So eloquently put. I love this post. And yes, I'm one of those people who goes vanilla ice cream ... with peanut butter sauce.
HEYYYY! Mirella is back! Welcome back Mirella! Where have you been??
Whoops. I meant to say, I'm one of those people who goes Baskin Robbins and orders vanilla ice cream ...
Great post and so true in today's world.
To many choices and not enough time to think through the options and properly choose. It also requires a lot of effort -- especially for a bag of chips! ;)
Hey, there's Mike AKA Clear2Go. I think I introduced him to you.
I will never choose plain unless they're rippled and there's whipped onion or chive dip to go with. I always choose either dill pickle, ketchup, all dressed, or sour cream and bacon. Jacob introduced me to the latter ones. Mmmm.
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