Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday's Smile

Meet Foxy the cat. If this doesn't make you smile, there might be something wrong with you.

Foxy belongs to my friend's Aaron and Kim. I think Aaron and Kim are awesome for many reasons - but this just upped the ante. Because really folks - they shaved their cat. When I first saw this picture I envisioned a battle scene taking place in a bathroom where Aaron took on a football stance, wrapped Foxy in a blindfolding towel while Kim donned the clippers and hoped for the best. However, they took the smart route and had a professional do it (which I would still like to see). I am sure most of you are wondering why one would shave a cat. It all comes down to love (cue the 'awwwww' from the audience). Foxy was Kim's cat and then she met Aaron who is allergic to her. Now they are getting married and Kim doesn't want Aaron to keel over. I'm pretty sure their future vows include "for better or for worse, in sicker and in health, hairy or shaved cat....for as long as we both shall live".

I talked to Aaron the other night about Foxy. I wanted to get more details on the scene. I asked how Foxy's demeanor changed after her transformation. I envisioned her feeling shy or naked. Possibly shimmying along the wall, paws covering her nether regions as she made her way to the litter box. It was quite the opposite I hear. Aaron advised she's loving her new self and walks with her head held high. Would it be too cliche if I said Foxy thinks she's the cats meow? Yes, yes - I think it would.

Favourite of the Day: I woke up in my old room. I used my old shower and I savoured the air conditioning. There's no place like home.


Cheese_Makes_Me_Happy said...


adventure grrl said...

OMG, in this weather, I want to shave my sweater head hair off!!! Thanks for being the voice of reason on my blog. Yes, I don't think I should poke the bear with my Mom. I found out my Great Uncle is really, really sick... in a "bring an outfit for a funeral" way so I don't want to wear a nose ring to that. (He has lived a great life PS, so don't be bummed out). I just wanted to thank you.

Heidi said...

When we were in high school, Ro's mom had her beloved collie, Max, shaved down to the skin. We still talk about it to this day. Poor Max acted so bashful, so ashamed. Unlike Foxy, Max hung his head woefully. It took a long time for the fur to grow in and his ego to recover.

Foxy is probably a lesbian cat. She's probably been waiting years for someone to give her a brush cut.

Natasha said...

It made me laugh. A LOT.

You sure the cat doesn't mind having no fur? Surely she doesn't go outside?