Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Conversation Never Gets Old:

Me: Ma, Turn on your cell phone. I can never get a hold of you.

My Mother: I know, I know. But it has no juice. I keep forgetting to give it a boost.

Avery: Nana - It's called CHARGING.

My Mother: Charge. Juice. Boost. Whatever. It's all the same thing.



Heidi said...

I've said it once before, and I'll say it again: Your mom and my mom are identical -- at least in their vocabulary.

Natasha said...

It's all the same at Booster Juice, at least. You can get a charge out of the "boost" they add to your juice. Really. I like the Wilderness Booster. I always feel distinctly more spirulina-y after.

I am supposed to be studying for my French exam right now.