Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bah Hum Bug

I am happy that day to day life has resumed and the holiday hoopla (that's right...hoopla) have passed us by.  I'm a bit of a Grinch about Christmas.  I have no reason to be.  But I am.  Here is one thing that made me un-Grinch-y and put a fat ol' smile on my face. 

This is the house across the street from my friend's Chrissy and Mike's house: 

This is Chrissy and Mike's house: 

Seriously awesome. 

Favourite of the Day:  Seeing Anna's boy's walking on their own.  Motoring around the house with smiles from ear to ear. I saw a video of this over the holiday season. A friendly little reminder that the greatest gifts cannot be bought.  

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