It makes me think of that scene in Devil's Advocate when Keanu Reeves pegs every member on his jury just by their clothes and body language. What? You don't remember that part? Oh right - I'm the only person who has watched that movie 86 times. I really love that movie. Vanity is my favourite sin. Okay, I'll stop now. Since no one got that joke anyway.
And of course, I also love the wit of Curb Your Enthusiasm and the idiocy of Larry David. Which is why it cracks me up in this 'jury duty' video when he says "well, my cousin once stole an Almond Joy from me"
HOW do they think of this stuff?
I go to the court house on May 4th. Unless I get sequestered, I will share my experience on here. If I don't show up with cats in my purse, I will show up with an Almond Joy in my purse. And hope that someone steals it.
Favourite of the Day: I raked my yard today. I actually hate raking. But I'm happy I got it done. I'm happy it's sunny and warm. I'm happy 98% of the snow is gone. I'm happy it was a new Office today too. Which included a funny cheer leading reference from 'Bring it On' which, you guessed it - made me happy too.
1 comment:
Oh my gawd. Larry David! I love Larry David.
You can also claim you have babies to take care of. That's how my mother used to get off jury duty.
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