Monday, March 1, 2010


My fantasy: 

1) Wake up before my alarm, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a full nights sleep
2) Promptly have a hot shower, where I shave my legs and loofah my feet
3) Get out of the shower and moisturize with cream
4) Take my daily vitamins and have a nourishing breakfast
5) Pack up a nice lunch to take to work
6) Put on the clothes that I neatly laid out the night before
7) Blow-dry and style my hair, like normal grownups do
8) Arrive at work calmly, with plenty of time to spare

My reality: 

1) Wake up to my alarm and press snooze, after staying up way too late
2) Press snooze at least 4 more times
3) Realize how late I've made myself and frantically run to the shower
4) Run around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to figure out what to wear
5) Quickly get dressed / ready
6) Don't eat any breakfast
7) Put wet hair in a ponytail, that freezes in the car on the way to work
8) Remember something that I forgot on the way.  That it was garbage day, for example. 
9) Run into work either late, or the exact time I'm supposed to

When the first occurs, get your skates.  Were going skating with Lucifer on home ice.  


Natasha said...

LOL. Great closing line.

Great post. I like to believe that I never rush around but I almost always do.

I love you. Thanks for making me laugh.

Amy said...

OH man...this just made me laugh really hard. I loved it. LOVED it. I don't know what you're talking about - you are ALWAYS on time.... :)