Thursday, December 2, 2010

Only me....

Saturday night my friend Julie and I celebrated our birthday together. See?

Because it was our birthday, a lot of people bought us 'birthday shots'. I may have had too many. No, actually, I know I did and I can say this with confidence because I didn't recall any conversation with any cab driver on the ride home. However, yesterday I came home for lunch to find a new message on my answering machine. From a cab driver. A CAB DRIVER. I wish someone were here to witness how hard I laughed about this. It is awesome on so many different levels. Here is the message:

After hearing this, I've come to the following conclusions:

1) We had a discussion about health care in our city.
2) He has a great concern about health care in our city.
3) I shared with him I do not have a family doctor.
4) I gave him my phone number. (WHAT??)
5) Four days later, he was still thinking about this discussion.
6) He thought it was okay to call me at 8:02 am (He clearly doesn't know me).

Maybe some people think it is creepy that he called me. I think it is AWESOME. The cab company should advertise that their drivers really do care about their passengers.

Sometimes my life cracks me up.

Favourite of the Day: 1) Tomorrow I will be 31 and I am okay with it. 2) My sister sends me the funniest emails ever.


mirella. said...

I just peed my pants.

Jenny Huntley said...

You know what will really make you laugh... I know which cab driver you are talking about and he lives across the street from your old house on Mary Ave!

Q said...
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Katherine said...

Awww that was sweet of him! Happy Birthday tomorrow, being 31 is awesome :-).

Natasha said...

I laughed so hard before even listening to it. Almost makes me want to get drunk just to see what will happen. What sort of trouble can I round up? I think my trouble might kick your trouble's butt. Or maybe not, since I couldn't even bring myself to write "ass".

I agree that it's awesome. Sounds like a nice guy. And you must have sounded pretty coherent. Good job!!

(Also, you can add me back to your blogroll any time now. ;-)

Natasha said...

Ohmigosh! What if this is the beginning to your marriage? Imagine if this was your "how we met" story? BEST "HOW WE MET" STORY EVER!!

Heidi said...

Your life cracks me up too.

Just played this for Joe. We both cackled.

You're the best.

Happy birthday Sara. Now go get a family doctor!