Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Holidays!!

As my week is finally starting to wind down, I'm lying in bed enjoying a cozy, quiet night. Christmas is always such a busy time of year, but I'm not complaining. I love how Christmas brings people together. Time spent with family and friends is the best part.

Here's a quick glance of just a few things that made my Christmas a happy one.

(1) A Country Christmas Hoe-down.

We all know I love to dress up for Halloween, so dressing up for Christmas party is that much better. I love themed parties!! Plus, Sheri and her husband posted these 'Wanted' signs all around their house of people who were at the party. Love it.

(2) Letters to Santa.

This is the letter my niece Jana wrote Santa, her 'greatest hero'.
Don't you just want to squeeze her?

(3) Personal gifts. Part of Christmas is giving and receiving. While I appreciate all gifts, every once in awhile you get a gift that makes you feel a little extra special because you know it was just for you. I received two special gifts this year.

First, this ornament from my roommate Vicki. When she first moved in she introduced me to Entourage and got me hooked. Now, it's kind of 'our thing' and I love that she bought me this tree ornament:

Secondly, this popcorn blanket my sister handmade. We, along with our friend Lisa, LOVE going to the movies. She special ordered this material and made a blanket for each of us. We often find the theatre to be chilly, whether it is a cold winter night or over air conditioned in the summer - so she made the blankets small enough to fold up and fit in a purse. Perfect!

While all the gift giving, receiving, visiting with people and eating of delicious meals is what makes the holidays what they are - my favourite part of this season actually happened at work. Our staff pooled together and bought gifts for children at our local food shelter who are much less fortunate than many of us will probably ever know. We all have what we need and I am proud to work with a team who recognizes that and comes together to help those who don't. Seeing the huge pile of gifts stacked on top one another and later seeing pictures of the children with Santa and their presents made me happy and remember what Christmas is all about.

~As we embark on a brand new year tomorrow I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year~

May 2011 be filled with laughter, smiles and sweet moments
surrounded with the people who are important in your life.

Favourite of the Day: The girls team I help coach played in the finals of the annual Christmas Classic Hockey Tournament tonight. The game came down to playing 3 on 3 in double over time. Our team scored and we won the tournament. Our girls played their little hearts out all week and I was proud of them for winning tonight. It was awesome.


Anonymous said...

So excited I made the blog :).. can't wait to use out blankets at our next movie night.. Happy New Year Sara!


Sara's sister said...

Wow! That blanket is so cute. Your sister must love you so much!? She's awesome.