Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Walkin in a Winter Wonderland

My cousin Lisa got married last weekend. She envisioned a winter wedding and planned it to perfection. Every detail was thought out and it was beautiful. I would bet however, that she did not plan for her wedding cake to end up smashed on the floor. But it did. And it was awesome.

Why do I think it was awesome? For two reasons. First - because she laughed it off and embraced the situation. They had already taken pictures with the photographer and people were dancing and having an awesome time. In the grand scheme of things, a cake on the floor is nothing to freak out about. She and her new husband even took hilarious pictures pretending to eat the cake off the floor. Don't sweat the small stuff, right?

Secondly, and more importantly, I think it's awesome because it is a life lesson. For me, anyway. A reminder that you can plan things and envision the way you think things are supposed to happen but it may not always work out the way you had hoped. And that's okay. I know I had an idea of how my life would turn out and where things would lead. I had a vision, you could say. But that didn't happen. And that doesn't mean I think it's a bad thing. Well, don't get me wrong, I have my bad days - but I think it is a reminder that new paths can be exciting and memorable. New paths may lead you to exactly where you are meant to be.

Here's to hoping, anyway.

(Quite the analogy for a little icing on the floor, right? I know. What can I say? I'm deep)

Here's the cake on the floor. My favourite part? The photographer did it.
How hilarious is that? Don't let his brief clumsiness sway your perspective, though. Not only is Curt a cool guy, but he is a wickedly talented photographer. You need to click here to see his stunning picture of Scott and Lisa in their winter wonderland.

Favourite of the Day: The boner of all boners was pulled today. I can't even write publicly about it. If my life were a book, this day would be quoted by someone famous on the back cover. Probably Sarah Silverman or Jimmy Fallon.


Amy said...

I so wish you could post the 'boner you pulled' today. I'm just glad I could share your laugh with you......

Mirella said...

Sara, how weird is this... a friend of mine went to a Sault wedding this past weekend (not the same wedding you were at), where the cake was dropped on the floor.
Are people making slippery wedding cakes?!

Heidi said...

You used "boner" again! Yesssss!

You're right to jump to analogies about the cake on the floor. It's ripe with metaphors. :)

Lisa Holliday said...

it was honestly such an unexpected moment to see our cake spread out on the floor, but so halarious to see curt deep red faced and staring at the mess on the floor. what else were we supposed to do but take pictures, we were laughing so hard i hope he got some good shots of it!!! thanks for using our day as an awesome analogy!! such a fun day/night!