Friday, June 3, 2011

Running Horse

I had this sudden flashback of something happened to me in kindergarten. I remember we were all gathering on the floor around my teacher, Mrs Haromy, who was sitting on a chair. She was teaching us about Native Americans. Right before I sat down I realized I forgot something and quickly bolted to the area where our pack sacks and coats were hanging. I scrambled to look for whatever it was that I forgot and scooted back to my place, realizing everyone was waiting for me.

At some point Mrs Haromy decided to give us all our own "Indian" names. (Which would never happen today, but remember this was in the 80's). Anyway, based on my scatterbrain behavior that day, I was given the name "Running Horse".

It occurred to me that after all these years, nothing has changed.

I am exactly who I was at the age of four.

Fascinating, no?


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