Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Day of Nothing; Full of Everything

Today is one of those days that make you stop and 'smell the roses'. What a cliche. I know. But it's true. Though I had nothing planned for the day - it was a day full of everything. And it makes me smile inside. Here's how it started:

I woke up from a wicked dream where I met a guy on an airplane named "Cale Calnot". We fell head over heels for eachother and it was totally awesome. I'm pretty sure I made this guy up - but if somehow he's real, I wanted it noted in this blog that I knew this.


My mom called and asked me to go shopping with her and her friend Annie. It was a nice afternoon. My mom made me laugh because when I mocked her for her addiction to Craisins, she responded with "Well Sar - at least you have a mother who's not on drugs" To which I replied "What?" and she said "you should be glad it's only Craisins I'm addicted too". How true.


I was in my car driving when a crossing guard walked into the street to stop traffic to allow children to cross the road. After about the 25th kid ran across I started to get impatient. Then this little girl with blond curly hair came barreling across the street and ran up to the crossing guard and gave her the most intense hug I've ever seen. It was the sweetest thing and I was thankful to have witnessed it. Then I told myself what a huge asshole I am for getting impatient waiting for kids to cross the road. What was I in a rush for? Nothing. Geez. (here is where I had to stop and smell the roses a bit). It's the little moments, right?


I went to the rink to coach our last game of the season. The girls tried so hard and played really well. Though we didn't have a winning team this year it was such a great group of girls. They never stopped trying and they never gave up. They are so cute.


I watched two of my nieces play ringette. They skated their little hearts out. Darienne was the goalie and Avery was playing defense. Avery skated over to Darienne to re-adjust her jersey that was tucked in to her pants. Just taking care of her sister - so cute! Darienne made the save of her life, clinching a win in the last 30 seconds of the game. It was awesome.


I went to visit Damian. My poor little buddy had a fever of 103. But he was still as sweet as pie. I love when he calls me "Hara" with that adorable little voice.


I came home and checked my mail. I was delighted to find a package from my friend Heidi who writes this blog. Heidi is a talented journalist who writes with the grace of a ballerina. When you close your eyes you can perfectly envision everything she has described. That is a gift, people. Anyway, I had previously mentioned to her that I'm musically challenged and she made me a bunch of mixed CD's. How great is that? I have only listened to one so far, but I LOVE it!! It was the best treat to come home too. Might I also mention this is the 2nd time in four months I've had mixed CDs mailed to me?? I love new music and I love the thoughtfulness of friends. Thank you so much Heidi.

....and last but not least, when I climbed into bed tonight I read my friend Natasha's blog. (Natasha, by the way, is the other person who sent me a mixed CD) Anyway - on this same day I received a package from a fellow blogger friend - SHE DID TOO. How ironic is that? After the chats I've had with Natasha lately, this was exactly what she needed. It made me smile.

And now it's time for bed. Goodnight and sweet dreams! (here's to hoping my buddy Cale visits me again)

Favourite of the Day: Um, Pretty much everything. See above.

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Uh, hellooooo. Not only did I send you a mixed CD, I pimped it out with custom casing and such.

The crossing guard thing really got me. You know I had a great love for MY crossing guard on the corner of Lake Street and MacDonald Ave. (I couldn't remember the name of MacDonald and just googled the map to get it. How awesome is that.)

Weird and cool that you got a package from a blog friend the same day I did. You didn't mention that on the phone! I guess we were too busy laughing about Cale. Oh, that Cale. Always with the laugh inducing things.