Monday, April 5, 2010


My mom is not exactly technical savvy. Not even a little bit. The fact that she has a cell phone now is kind of a big deal. Though she knows how to use it she hasn't quite figured out the lingo.

A few weeks back we were having lunch and she asked to use my cell phone to call someone. I asked where her phone was. She said it was in her purse but she couldn't use it because she 'forgot to boost it up' before leaving the house.

Then last night we were cleaning the kitchen after Easter dinner and I received a text message. My mom heard the little alert 'chime' and goes:

"hey Sar, there's something tickling inside your purse"

She cracks me up.

Favourite of the Day: The Humane Society called today and asked me to Foster some kittens. So tomorrow I am getting FIVE kittens. I cannot wait. Pictures to follow.


Francesca said...

Mother of god.

kiley said...

When she talks on her portable outdoor phonebox does she insist on screaming into the phone?

My dad is like that, despite having been informed numerous times that he can talk at normal volume..