Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good News & Bad News

Remember that time it was 2:30am and I was making cat comics? Right - I need a life. But honestly, how cute is this picture?

The kitties are growing fast and have started running and playing. Tonight they made their way up the stairs, but two of them got tuckered out halfway up and stopped for a nap. The two that made it to the top were cheering them on though. I'm pretty sure I heard Marjorie whisper "you can do it" in her best Rob Schnieder impression.

This is the good news. This means their sickness has passed and they are feeling much, much better. I am very relieved. That brings us to the bad news. You may have noted there are only four kittens in the picture. Sadly, little Rudy didn't make it. He really struggled with being sick and stopped eating from his mom. Despite feedings of formula, he just couldn't thrive. It was a very sad Sunday morning. He has been laid to rest on Sunnyside Beach and I'm pretty sure he's now running touch downs in kitty heaven while all the other cats are chanting "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy".

I'm done being the crazy cat lady now. This is my third feline posting in a row...I'll stop now, I promise.

Favourite of the Day: This was an actual conversation with my mom today, when she stopped by to visit this afternoon. We were talking about.....surprise - cats;

Mom: "Hey Sar - do boy cats have balls?"
Me: "Ya, Ma" {while giving her a look that says 'you're being ridiculous'}
Mom: "Well, I don't know....I hate cats"


GIGGLES said...


And sorry to hear about Rudy. I love cats. Not in the crazy cat lady way (even though I did have five cats at one time).

Amy said...

I can't believe Mom asked you about their balls. Wait till she sees Guido's. For those of you who don't know; Guido is my guinea pigs - and yes they certainly do have them too.

Heidi said...

Do boy cats have balls? BAHAHAHA!

Do balls come in twos?
