Sunday, April 25, 2010

....a little Sunday love.

I am in LOVE with this song. Give it a whirl and love it with me.

Thank you Kiley for the introduction.

(Turn off the comments that pop up by clicking on the bottom right hand corner and selecting "turn off annotations".)

Oh, and by the way - How hot is Scarlett? Good movies, great voice, beautiful, curvy and she even has great boobs!! She's got it all.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good News & Bad News

Remember that time it was 2:30am and I was making cat comics? Right - I need a life. But honestly, how cute is this picture?

The kitties are growing fast and have started running and playing. Tonight they made their way up the stairs, but two of them got tuckered out halfway up and stopped for a nap. The two that made it to the top were cheering them on though. I'm pretty sure I heard Marjorie whisper "you can do it" in her best Rob Schnieder impression.

This is the good news. This means their sickness has passed and they are feeling much, much better. I am very relieved. That brings us to the bad news. You may have noted there are only four kittens in the picture. Sadly, little Rudy didn't make it. He really struggled with being sick and stopped eating from his mom. Despite feedings of formula, he just couldn't thrive. It was a very sad Sunday morning. He has been laid to rest on Sunnyside Beach and I'm pretty sure he's now running touch downs in kitty heaven while all the other cats are chanting "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy".

I'm done being the crazy cat lady now. This is my third feline posting in a row...I'll stop now, I promise.

Favourite of the Day: This was an actual conversation with my mom today, when she stopped by to visit this afternoon. We were talking about.....surprise - cats;

Mom: "Hey Sar - do boy cats have balls?"
Me: "Ya, Ma" {while giving her a look that says 'you're being ridiculous'}
Mom: "Well, I don't know....I hate cats"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Little Shout Out

Coincidentally, three women I know all had birthdays in the same week!  All three of them are fellow 'bloggers' and all are amazing people.  I wanted to take a quick moment to send them all birthday wishes. 

To Sonia, Heidi and Natasha ~ friends of mine who come from across the city, across the country and across the continent -  I am lucky to know such wonderful people in such diverse ways.  

You are all only getting better with age! Cheers to growing older and living life to its fullest.  

Happy Birthday Ladies!! 

Sonia and I at her birthday party on Saturday
night.  At our favourite place; "Smack Daddy's"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have been MIA lately.  Here is what I've been doing:
  • Washing the faces of 5 kittens, multiple times a day.  Trying to avoid them spreading their eye infections
  • Vet appointments (two days/two vets)
  • Administering eye drops to Lenny and Rudy, the two with eye infections
  • Administering antibiotics, via syringe to Rudy and Winnie Cooper.  They have both figured out they hate this and this has become a battle. I have to wrap their body's in a towel, only exposing their face.  Then I shove the syringe in their mouth as fast as I can before they lose their minds.  This is super fun.
  • Setting up a vaporizer and herding cats in the bathroom while I shower to expose them to steam to hopefully ease their congestion.  So far, unsuccessful.
  • Massaging their bums with warm, wet cotton balls to 'stimulate' them to poop.  Read that again - that's right - I am rubbing their butt holes.  Can you believe that? It's not even working.  These little guys are majorly backed up.
  • Purchasing special baby bottles and formula for kittens.  Rudy is not gaining weight and I suspect it is because he has lost his sense of smell (and probably appetite) and cannot find his mother.  He will not take the bottle.  Failure #3
I am slowly going crazy 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch.  Crazy going slowly am I 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch*. 

I hope to report back soon with good news and that all this craziness was worth it. 

*There's some Sharon, Lois and Bram for you. I bet you have that song in your head now. You're welcome. Random fact: When this singing trio were in their prime, I'm pretty sure I was their #1 fan.  Just ask my brother and sister, who probably had to endure family rides in our Station Wagon while performing Skinnamarink"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Crazy Cat Lady....temporarily


Yesterday I got my second batch of Foster Kittens.  I have the mom and her five babies.  They are only two weeks old and they are cute little buggers.  I will keep them for four weeks and if they are healthy, I will give them back to the shelter to be adopted.

I've already named them all and fallen in love with them.  I know, I know....people say I won't be able to give them up.  But I gave up my last ones and I had those ones for 2 months because one was sick.  I cried...but I did it and I'll do it again.

Allow me introduce you to my new little family:

This is Marjorie.  She's the only girl and she is a feisty one. 

This is Harlem.  He has a wonky leg. I took him to the vet
and they said he was fine.  As long as his leg doesn't cause him pain.  
Oh, and he has a lot of toes on each foot. 

Rudy - He is a small little guy and a little slower than the rest.  
But he's determined.  That's why I named him Rudy.  
I wanted a picture of his face but he was eating lunch 
and told me to back off. 

He is my favourite one.  He is likes to chill out and
sit there while the other kitties run wild.  

This is Lenny.  Lenny is just an awesome 
name for a kitten

Time for lunch!!  That's their momma. I named her Winnie Cooper. 

Momma spends A LOT of time 
feeding these monsters, so she has to 
have some lunch too....

Winnie Cooper is very sweet and loves to cuddle.  She gets very jealous when I play with the kittens and not her.  She comes over and picks them up by the scruff of their neck and brings them to the corner.  This is a never ending battle for her because every time she brings one to the corner, another one has found it's way over to me and the cycle continues.  She has a cold right now, so I'm hoping she doesn't make them all sick.    

I know eventually these little guys will turn into crazy devil's.  So, I'm off to play with them while they are still fairly immobile...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Today's Random Thought....

Picture me on a date with Snoop.  Yes, Snoop.  As in Snoop Dogg. 


Ahhhh......*sigh*. Now THAT is funny.


My mom is not exactly technical savvy. Not even a little bit. The fact that she has a cell phone now is kind of a big deal. Though she knows how to use it she hasn't quite figured out the lingo.

A few weeks back we were having lunch and she asked to use my cell phone to call someone. I asked where her phone was. She said it was in her purse but she couldn't use it because she 'forgot to boost it up' before leaving the house.

Then last night we were cleaning the kitchen after Easter dinner and I received a text message. My mom heard the little alert 'chime' and goes:

"hey Sar, there's something tickling inside your purse"

She cracks me up.

Favourite of the Day: The Humane Society called today and asked me to Foster some kittens. So tomorrow I am getting FIVE kittens. I cannot wait. Pictures to follow.