Friday, July 31, 2009

My Gram

It was two years ago today that my grandma died.  It is weird how fast time goes by sometimes. I feel like it was yesterday.  The day she died I felt more peaceful than I thought I would/should.  I didn't react in the way I imagined I might.  She had been ill and in pain for quite some time and I think I felt a little relieved knowing she didn't have to live like that anymore.  The thing I was most sad about then, and still now, is knowing that my own mother no longer has her mother. The whole situation has been hard on my mom and that makes me sad.  

Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my Grandma.  Our family was close. When I close my eyes and think of her, I see her in the kitchen.  She was an amazing cook.  Always cooking for us and feeding us.  She was famous for her pie.  Coconut Cream was her best, I'd say...but it's a tough call.  

My gram was loving and hard working.  She always took care of us.  She is so many of the things my mom is today.  While she was a lot things, funny wasn't one of them.  That is - until the end. Maybe it was the combination of all the medication she was on and maybe she lost her mind a bit.  But she suddenly started cracking jokes and making us laugh and it was awesome.  I like remembering that about her at the end of her life.  

It has always made me sad that I never had the chance to know either of my grandfathers. One died before I was born, the other when I was just an infant.  I love hearing stories about them and I've often imagined what they were like and how our relationships would have been. Though they both sounded like two very different men, they sounded like amazing people I would have loved to know.  I also would have loved the chance to see both my grandma's with the men they loved and raised their family's with.  

I have a lot of thoughts going through my head today.  I know I think too much sometimes and I wish there were days I could just turn my brain off.  But I can't.  So instead I am reminding myself that life teaches you lessons sometimes and you need to learn from them.  Then move on.  As I think of this today, I think of my Gram and priorities.  To spend time with people you love and cherish the memories you make together.  Today, more than other days, I'm trying to remember "don't sweat the small stuff". 

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cotton Candy Goggles

If there were such a thing as the opposite of "Beer Goggles" I believe they would be "Cotton Candy Goggles". One of my current worries is that I am sporting a pair.

My Cotton Candy Goggles may be tricking me into thinking I don't look my age. My goggles are pink, shiny and sparkly. They provide a soft and fluffy hue over me. They wrap a sweet layer over my core. They hide crows feet and laugh lines and trick me into thinking nothing has changed since I was 22.

It may merely be a coincidence that this happens to be the year I turn 30 that I am suddenly concerned with this. Most likely it is, however, it is more than that. Not long ago I saw a guy I went to high school with. He was a year ahead of me, so I am assuming he is 31. He looked 50. F-I-F-T-Y. He was pushing a stroller and had a gaggle of children in tow. So, yes, I'm sure this put a few years on him but it scared me.

Then this morning I watched "Obsessed" (more to come on my new 'obsession' with this). The woman featured looked old, weathered and frail. Then she announced she was 32. What?? That is me in TWO years.

Do I look old and I just can't see it? Are Cotton Candy Goggles blinding me?

When I was a kid and heard "30" I thought "old". I saw no difference between 30, 40 or 50. I like to think that I don't look older than my age. Though I am not so foolish as to think I'm a spring chicken either. My new thing is checking out my wrinkles in pictures of myself. I hate that I do this. This wasn't something I thought about before, until Natasha brought it up. She had been doing this on her own and pointed out that "I had them too". As though we were now united like blood sisters - But in a wrinkle club. THANKS NATASHA ;)

I rarely get carded any more. There will come a day that I won't at all. My sister, who is 7 years older, has TWICE been questioned as being the younger sibling. Though once it was from a 6 year old, children are not known to hold back honesty to spare feelings.

If I do in fact discover that a pair of Cotton Candy Goggles are blinding me.....pour me a cold one. I'll gladly switch over to Beer Goggles instead.

Favourite of the Day: Today I somewhat assisted in helping someone prepare their plans to propose soon. I can't share any more information because it obviously hasn't happened yet. But it's so romantic and so exciting!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cheese Please!!

My friend Brent has been home for a few weeks now, but we were unable to hang out because I got shingles. Finally today we were both free and wanted to make plans to see each other.   Brent asked if we could go over to Michigan.  I wondered why.  He said he had to pick up a few things to bring back to his friends in Toronto.  Besides having to make a pit stop at the ever wonderful "Bath and Body Works", his friends had made a special request.  Something you can only find in the US: Spray can cheese.  

Of course I am going to hook up my friend with cheese in a can!! I thought he was buying it as a mockery, but he said that in fact, he actually liked it.  I'll have to take is word for it.  

After a delicious Thai lunch at my favourite restaurant we found ourselves some "Easy Cheese-It"  Surprisingly, it only costs $1.98 to buy aerosol cheese.  

I was happy to catch up with him today.  We've been friends since we met at Sunday School when we were four.  I remember peering over at him during church, when, at probably the only time in our lives we were at eye level with eachother, I could see him reciting the Lords Prayer perfectly in sync with all the adults.  I was amazed.  How did he know this?  None of the other kids had learned this yet. There seemed to be a theme here.  Skip ahead to highschool when I peered over at Brent, now much taller, completing math equations with ease that were far beyond my comprehension.  Luckily, Brent was there to tutor me.  We sat on the floor of his basement for hours as he prepared me for our last exam.  I passed that class - no doubt because of him. 

Our days together at church ended long ago and a lot has changed in our lives since then. (Though today we did laugh about our grade nine confirmation classes when I had my 'Amanda Zimm' haircut from Ready Or Not).  

I am glad Brent is a person in my life who, though I don't get to see him often, reconnects with me like we never missed a beat.  It's just a bonus that he is also a friend who wants to cross international borders on a quest for cheese.    



Friday, July 17, 2009

Re- enactments

A friend posted this link on Facebook and it's too good not to share.

Please take a moment (1:55) to watch this news video. It will be worth it, I promise.

Favourite of the Day: Today my mom and I are going to the new Super Walmart. I am so excited to have access to a 24 hour store. I feel like they are made for people like me who don't sleep normal hours. The better news... I will be looking for a case for my new iPod Touch, which I just WON.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


What do you think we are doing now, that will make us look back in 20 years and laugh? What is it about our hairstyles and our clothes that will have us pointing to our girlfriends and cracking up in the future?

I am assuming my mother actually liked her bridesmaid dresses the day she picked them out - though it's hard to imagine. Actually, not even my mother... just going back to when my brother got married in 1995 - I look at our bridesmaid dresses and question our fashion sense. I think you need to close your eyes and imagine this lovely creation. It was a hunter green two piece dress. It had shoulder pads. Shoulder pads!! It had a blazer-like top with gold/pearl buttons down the front and a long ankle length skirt. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

Going to weddings now I always think the dresses are beautiful. I can't imagine how we could make fun of them in the future. But I am confident we will.

And what about hair? Hair styles change so drastically over time. Teased bangs are always a classic icon of the 80's. I remember days of watching my sister tease and spray her hair and longing for the day I could do that too. HA! I remember being in grade nine and parting my hair to the side and spraying a little cow-lick type comb over along the front. One day I ran out of hairspray and didn't even know how to handle the situation. Why? Why would we do that?

I can't grasp what it is that I do today that will make me laugh at myself in the future. Is it the popular use of hair straighteners? Are we going to mock our desire for smooth straight hair? Is it the colours I like? I do enjoy me some high-lighting and low-lighting. But it's nothing crazy or unconventional, or so I think NOW.

Remember in the 90's when everyone was getting the "Rachel" haircut? And men were getting the "Clooney"? That is funny. When I watch old episodes of 'Friends' I think back to highschool days when people came to school sporting their new do. Who will be the next hair icon?

I have flashbacks of Jelly Shoes, (which were awesome except that rocks always got stuck in them), Duck Boots, Vuarnet, Club Monaco, SunIce jackets, slap many things that were trends at one time or another.

I just had a good flashback of gimp. GIMP!! Remember that? What a funny word just to say out loud. But I remember being SO excited to go to the craftstore and getting to pick out new colours of gimp. So many choices and possibilities...oh, the leisure life.

There is no doubt in my mind Crocs will be a big mockery. To some they are now, but not to all. In due time though.

I don't know what else. I look forward to finding out.


***Editors Note: A friend pointed out that I forgot Ugg's!! Of course!! Yes, we will unite to make fun of Ugg's - there is no doubt in my mind.

Favourite of the Day: I thoroughly enjoyed on Y&R when crazy Mary-Jane had to tell Adam her cat was actually dead and she had it stuffed. It's not my proudest moment that the best part of my day was actually a story line in a soap opera. But what can I say? I'm easily amused.

I WISH my favourite of today was that Linsay won Next Top Model, but she didn't. So - stuffed cat confession it is.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just call me Elliott

In the past week I've spent two nights sitting in the ER. What a place. Similar to the day I sat in the airport people watching, I again sat and wondered what brought everyone to the hospital. But people watching in an airport is quite different than people watching in a hospital. Often, people in an airport are happy; either to be leaving home or arriving back at home. On the contrary, no one is happy to be in the hospital waiting room.

My first trip there I walked into a room full of correctional officers surrounding two men in full shackles, covered in blood. Great - a jail fight. Then came in a little girl, maybe four, staring at these 'scary' men looking terrified. I wondered what her mother would tell her. Next in, a mother with a baby, screaming loudly and without pause. I felt bad for the mother who couldn't console him. So sad.

My second trip there, just last night, the waiting room was completely full. As everyone sat there quietly in came this lady who was so drunk she peed her pants. As the annoyed security guard told her again to sit down and be quiet she looked up at him and said "You have sexy eyes" and I cracked up. She was obviously a regular there as the nurses, security guard and a passing police officer knew her by name. I guess she's a frequent flyer. No doubt the hospital has many of those.

There was also a woman who brought in a friend and was waiting with her. After sitting there awhile, she decided to take a number too. The nurse saw this and asked if she needed to see someone too. She replied "Well, I'm here right? I may as well get some new prescriptions". What? This is the EMERGENCY ROOM. There are actual sick and injured people here. Like the doctors have nothing better to do. But hey - she's here right? Why not make the wait for everyone else longer. Pure logic right there.

The poor staff who work there. Doctors, nurses and even security...oh the stories they could tell.

I felt like I was in an episode of Scrubs. Except I didn't crack jokes with the funny janitor - thus catching the eye of Zach Braff causing him to fall in love with me. That's how it pans out in my fantasy - in case you were wondering.

By the way - I had full intentions of posting pictures of my progressing shingles. Until it occurred to me that strangely, not everyone wants to see that. It's hard for me to imagine that some people wouldn't be curious to see this burning rash of mine. You don't like that? I could also offer you snap shots of my strep throat. No? Not interested in that either? What's wrong with you?

Favourite of the Day: My grandma left a message on my machine last night. I just listened to it this morning and it made me laugh. They always do. She just talks as though there is someone on the other end but doesn't know how to end the message. So she doesn't. She just finishes a sentence then hangs up. I wish there was a way I could record it. She is so cute.

This is my cute grandma. And a doll that my cousin Jeff found that looks just like her.
Isn't it awesome?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blame it on the Rain

I am in love with my new umbrella.  

That is all.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Au Revoir

Tonight I am bidding farewell to two places that rocked my early 20’s. Two local bars that were side-by-side were torn down this week; O’Aces and The River Rock. In 1999, when I was 19, the corner of Queen and Gore was the place to be. Many fun nights were spent at these two places. The Rock, as we called it, was where I celebrated my 19th birthday. I wish I had some good stories to share, but honestly I don’t remember. I know I had fun though. We always had fun dancing and whatnot inside and there were always happenings outside on the street afterward. Either a fight breaking out or buying street meat from the sausage vendor. Neither a good decision on anyone’s part.

It’s been years since either was a ‘cool’ place to hang out. I am not sure if it remained a place younger people went or not. I’m guessing not, since they tore it down. However, the last time I went to O’Aces (Dec 2006) was quite a memorable one, seeing as it landed me a trip to the hospital.

And it all started with Motley Crue...

My sister Amy, who was in her prime teen years in the 80’s when an entire can of hairspray was needed to hold up your bangs, LOVES Motley Crue. Loves them. I don’t think you can even imagine the level of excitement she reached when they announced Motley Crue was coming to town for a concert. She called me at work screaming. She sent me an email that I wish I had saved to share here. While I liked the band to an extent – meaning I had a song or two on my iPod – it didn’t hold a candle to her passion for them. So after joining the VIP fan club online and pulling some strings I am not at liberty to discuss, she scored us front row tickets. Now THAT was something I was excited about. Front row at a rock concert!

While Amy only had eyes for Nikki Sixx, I was quite looking forward to seeing Tommy Lee up close and personal. So, a group of us went to the concert and had a great time. I loved it. We danced and sang and probably lost some of our hearing. Amy was pretty excited that Nikki Sixx spit blood (fake blood) all over her and my brother-in-law even managed to snag Tommy Lee’s drumstick when he threw it in the crowd. I spent a large portion of the night staring at Mick Mars, who was about 12 inches from me. The cool security guard ‘didn’t see’ the camera I had hidden so I even got some great pictures.

After the concert ended, we went to a local bar for a few drinks. Amy and my brother-in-law wanted to call it a night as they had to work in the morning. However, I didn’t and was raring to go. I convinced them to drop me off on Gore St, though they didn't want to leave me there. I failed to mention Gore Street is not exactly a place you should be hanging out at night alone. But I knew a lot of people going out after the concert and convinced them I would be fine – that I would meet up with some people I knew. Which I did. So, no big deal, right? Wrong.

Skipping ahead and leaving out some useless details, there came a point in the night that I quickly needed to find a ride home. But being a busy night and all – I couldn’t get a cab. Standing outside this creep-o bar called “Glow” I looked down the street towards O’Aces and saw a cab pull up. So I started to run. It was winter – the roads were slushy and icy and I was wearing high heeled boots that no one should run in the snow in. But I made it – and I quickly jumped in the cab. It was a mini-van and I got in the very back seat. Other people got in as well. We were going to share it and I didn’t care - I just wanted to get home. But the cabbie turned to us and said we had to get out of the cab – it was already reserved for someone else. Damn.

The next move I made was the turning point in my “fun” evening. Instead of gracefully exiting the cab like a lady, I made the wise choice to jump from the back of the van onto the street. The slushy, icy street. I somehow fell out of the cab and twisted my ankle at a 90 degree angle and cushioned the weight of my body on top of it. As I laid there on the road I knew something bad had happened. I was alone and thought I broke my ankle. I couldn’t get up. A crowd of people stood outside the door of O’Aces smoking cigarettes and stared at me – I desperately wanted to get up and run. But I could not. The only thing running through my head at that point was “Don’t cry. Don’t cry, Sara. Don’t cry”. FINALLY this guy walked out of the bar and looked at me, then looked at everyone staring at me and said “Is no one going to help this poor girl up?”. And then he kindly helped me up. After insisting ‘I was fine’ I proceeded to the corner to shed some tears in private. Then this guy I know, Andy, walked by and saw me in the corner. Seeing my frazzled state – he insisted I join him in O’Aces for a shot or two. He even convinced me to dance. And wouldn’t you know it – after those shots my foot didn’t even hurt - Funny how that works.

At some point in time I ran into my brother’s friend and she drove me home. When I finally got inside I took off my boot and my ankle ballooned to the size of a cantaloupe. I woke up my roommate Dana to show her and she got me some ice. In the end, I had to call my mom to bring me to the hospital. Hours later, after some x-rays, it was determined I severely sprained my ankle.

Following the incident, when people saw my crutches and asked what happened, I gracefully replied that I ‘slipped in the snow’. I thought it sounded much better than “I had a few drinks and fell out of a cab after the Motley Crue concert”.

I guess you could say it was a memorable farewell to O’Aces.

Au Revoir O’Aces and The Rock. Thanks for the memories….

Tommy Lee

Nikki Sixx

This was when Nikki was shooting blood out of his mouth on the crowd. Weird, I know.

Favourite of the Day: Today is Canada Day!!
Happy Canada Day Everyone!! (but especially to my Canadian friends living in Michigan, Texas, South Carolina & Wisconsin)