Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cotton Candy Goggles

If there were such a thing as the opposite of "Beer Goggles" I believe they would be "Cotton Candy Goggles". One of my current worries is that I am sporting a pair.

My Cotton Candy Goggles may be tricking me into thinking I don't look my age. My goggles are pink, shiny and sparkly. They provide a soft and fluffy hue over me. They wrap a sweet layer over my core. They hide crows feet and laugh lines and trick me into thinking nothing has changed since I was 22.

It may merely be a coincidence that this happens to be the year I turn 30 that I am suddenly concerned with this. Most likely it is, however, it is more than that. Not long ago I saw a guy I went to high school with. He was a year ahead of me, so I am assuming he is 31. He looked 50. F-I-F-T-Y. He was pushing a stroller and had a gaggle of children in tow. So, yes, I'm sure this put a few years on him but it scared me.

Then this morning I watched "Obsessed" (more to come on my new 'obsession' with this). The woman featured looked old, weathered and frail. Then she announced she was 32. What?? That is me in TWO years.

Do I look old and I just can't see it? Are Cotton Candy Goggles blinding me?

When I was a kid and heard "30" I thought "old". I saw no difference between 30, 40 or 50. I like to think that I don't look older than my age. Though I am not so foolish as to think I'm a spring chicken either. My new thing is checking out my wrinkles in pictures of myself. I hate that I do this. This wasn't something I thought about before, until Natasha brought it up. She had been doing this on her own and pointed out that "I had them too". As though we were now united like blood sisters - But in a wrinkle club. THANKS NATASHA ;)

I rarely get carded any more. There will come a day that I won't at all. My sister, who is 7 years older, has TWICE been questioned as being the younger sibling. Though once it was from a 6 year old, children are not known to hold back honesty to spare feelings.

If I do in fact discover that a pair of Cotton Candy Goggles are blinding me.....pour me a cold one. I'll gladly switch over to Beer Goggles instead.

Favourite of the Day: Today I somewhat assisted in helping someone prepare their plans to propose soon. I can't share any more information because it obviously hasn't happened yet. But it's so romantic and so exciting!!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

LOL!!! I'm sorry. But it's good to know because now you can start doing something about it. Remember the exfoliation conversation with the woman at Sears? And do you wear sun screen? I have sinking and sagging as well as fine lines, though no crow's feet. Freakin' 30....