Saturday, July 4, 2009

Blame it on the Rain

I am in love with my new umbrella.  

That is all.  


amber said...

Awww...super cute. Umbrellas are the kinds of things I usually get at the Dollar Store, since I lose/bend/smush them with such regularity that I just know better than to invest anything into them.

Also in this category are sunglasses (I sit on a pair in the car at least once a year), dish cloths (they start to smell funny after they've been washed more than twice), plastic containers (like Tupperware) since I never, ever, ever seem to get them back after I send treats or leftovers home with people. And I refuse to have my name written on the bottom on a piece of masking tape, a la Grandma!!!

mirella. said...


Milli Vanilli.

That's all.

(Oh, and very cute umbrella!... ella... ella.. a...a..)

Heidi said...

How funny that you should post about an umbrella. Back when I first started Lance I took a picture of my beloved (BUSTED) umbrella. I had intended to write a post about it and decided against it for no particular reason.

My beloved umbrella came from an Rite Aid Pharmacy in NY. It had Botticelli nudes on it and I walked all over Europe one winter under that umbrella. I had it for seven years. It rocked.

And Amber – I second your stinky dish towel sentiment. My German grandmother KNITS me wash rags that smell like a toilet after one use.