I haven't shared a Roy story in awhile. This one is short but sweet.
Opening Scene: I am sitting on the couch watching t.v. Roy emerges from his bedroom and starts to put on his shoes. It is probably around 8pm or so. Wondering where he could be going at this hour, my curiosity is peaked.
Sara: "So, where are you headed?"
Roy: "To catch a wolverine."
Sara: "WHAT?"
Roy: "Ya, I've been reading about them in my new book from the library. I found out what forests they live in too. I think I can catch one. "
Sara: (trying to be supportive and not sarcastic): 'Um, no. Bad idea."
Roy: "Really, I think I probably can"
Sara: "No, really - bad idea. You could try, but it might kill you in the process. Plus, what would actually do with it once you caught it?"
Closing scene: Roy takes off his shoes and goes back into his bedroom.
Favourite of the Day: Dancing with Damian to the "Wiggles". Even though the Wiggles are creepy, weird men, I enjoyed doing the "Twist" with him today.
Wait. Are we talking about Hugh Jackman in wolves clothing?
Wolverines are real? Aren't they just wolves?
Heidi, wolverines are an animal of the boreal forest, shaped sort of like a badger but bigger and VERY mean and tough. That's why Hugh Jackman's character is named after it. And that's why it is hilarious that Roy thought he was going to go out into the forest and catch one. It would be like going into Siberia and catching a tiger.
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