Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to me.

I did it. I turned 30 and all is well.
No tears. It was a good day. Great actually.

This picture is a bit funny because I'm blowing out candles on a

half eaten birthday cake.

I was looking back at old pictures from previous birthdays and I found these ones from my 28th birthday. I had rented the ice to have a skating party. For the first while we skated around. Then everyone wanted to play a friendly game of hockey. No one had helmets on and a red flag went up in my mind, but I still thought it would be fun to play. Before we began to play, I announced to everyone that we all needed to be careful and 'take it easy'.

Well, wouldn't you know it...two seconds after the game started, someone gets a puck in the eye. This was followed by a lot of blood and a trip to the hospital for some stitches.

Guess who shot the puck?

You guessed it.

Me. Of course.

Because that's my life.

Favourite of the Day:
So many things! Including:
-waking up to a special present
-reading this and feeling special. Thanks N.
-a surprise lunch with my family (and Amy)
-the best Happy Birthday song ever (piano by Erin, sung by Stu)
-finding a new bedspread that matches perfectly - finally
-many messages and calls from friends
-a surprise evening with some friends
-a cake, made and decorated by Brian


Heidi said...


Blowing out candles on a half-eaten birthday cake is symbolic, no?

I think it speaks well of you. May you always blow candles out on a half-eaten birthday cake. ;)

PS. Your birthday is four days before my best friend Ro's birthday and five days before Joe's birthday.

Natasha said...

Soooo impressed, Brian.