Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey, in case you didn't know...

Did you know people actually parallel park?  Like in real life?  

I know - weird eh?

I saw it happen today and I was surprised to say the least.  

If I was faced with a situation where the only place left to park required me to parallel park, the solution is quite simple - I'd just keep driving and make new plans.  End of story. 


Heidi said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to parallel park. It's one of my favorite driving maneuvers. That, and backing into a parking spot. I know people bitch about it, but I find it extremely rewarding –– especially after circling and circling a city block for 20 minutes looking a spot.

I can wiggle my jitney into any tight-fitting slot, which sounds almost perverted.

Anonymous said...

I find it rewarding too.. when I back my van in, it is like yes, girls can do this too.. and would love to master a transport! lol
When I was told to Parallel park in order to get my license, I practiced so much, that I started looking for those spots once I did pass.. Sara.. put that on your list!
Sara M

Nila (the other Sara's Mom) said...

I behind on reading your blog...
Go onto Queen St... Pull up to a car, on your right, so you are beside them; your wheels are straight. While sitting still, turn your stirring wheel twice, clockwise, and stop. Put your car in reverse and start backing up. When your front bumper is aligned with their back bumper, turn your stirring wheel twice, counter clock-wise, and continue into your space. This is from memory from thirty years ago during a driving instruction, and I did it soooo easy. Someone check it out and let me know if it still works...