Friday, August 13, 2010

The tables have turned...

While I most often feel I am my mother's daughter, tonight I realized the tables are turning.

I remember as a kid, riding around in my dad's chevrolet pick-up truck while he listened to CBC radio and thinking it was the most boring thing in the world. I couldn't understand having a radio and NOT listening to music.

Well. Let me eat crow. Now I like CBC radio.

Oh, and I will pull over on the highway to nap in my car. And I keep a phone book in my car.

I am my father's daughter too.

Favourite of the Day: Great night out with some girlfriends. It's comforting to know they'll go out with me, even when I look like a bum. Quote of the night? From Jayme: "Um....Don't tell anyone I do your hair". Lots of laughs, as always. I love girlfriends.


Q said...

It's ALWAYS cbc radio playing in taxi cabs/town cars/airport shuttles it seems. I like to listen to Vinyl Cafe, but thats about the only thing!

Nicole said...

I am more my father's daughter than my mother's, but it is funny how things that we found to be boring and "lame" when we are younger, we are doing now. :) My favourite is, "shut the door we are not heating/cooling the neighbourhood". Keep writing, you make me smile everytime I read this