Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Roy and the Snow Blobs

I quickly learned that Roy had eating habits that were vastly different than mine. We enjoyed our meals separately and I didn't pay much attention to what he was cooking. Until I noticed that my cookie sheets were getting destroyed. I frequently noticed him scrubbing them profusely as they were charred and black. I finally asked what he was doing to them. He showed me how he was baking hamburger patties on them. I explained to him the ways to cook hamburger patties - none of which involved baking. However, he insisted on this method. I didn't want to put up a fight, so I offered him two solutions - either buy his own cookie sheets to ruin, or to line the sheets with foil first. Simple right? I guess he didn't think so because I caught him cooking burgers two more times after that conversation. Both times, he knew I was mad. I thought that was the end of it.

Then one morning, as I prepared to put the garbage on the curb I noticed the bag was heavy and oddly shaped. I opened the bag to find a black, burnt cookie sheet buried at the bottom. I was furious. Not only did he do it again, but he tried to hide it from me. I took the cookie sheet out and brought it inside. He was sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I confronted him:

Me: "Roy - you'll never guess what I found?"

Roy: "What?"

Me: "A burnt cookie sheet! and it was buried way in the bottom of the garbage!"

Roy, in a surprising tone replied: "Well, I wonder who put that there?"

This response infuriated me. I told him he was never to use any of my pots and pans again if he wasn't going to respect me. I demanded that he buy me another cookie sheet. He said he would. The following day I returned from work to find Roy had bought me a new cake pan, which he thought was a cookie pan, but he had tried so I didn't tell him otherwise. I could tell he was very excited and I didn't know why. Finally he said "You haven't said anything yet!" I asked him what he was referring to. He explained:

"I know you were upset that I had lied to you yesterday and I felt bad so I made you a present. I decided to make you a special snowman. I didn't really know what a snowman was or how to make it, but I looked it up online and made you one".

I immediately knew I was in for a treat.

He brought me to the big window in the living room and we peered outside. I was elated. He had gone out in the snow and did his best to create me a snowman to cheer me up.  He told me he didn't know what he was supposed to use for the face and hat, so he went through the kitchen and found what he could. For the eyes, pieces of ginger. For the nose, a piece of garlic. For the mouth, a carrot. And last, but certainly not least.....are you ready for what he used for the hat?? A can of tuna.  I loved it.  

He also put a face on each side of the snowman. On the side facing the road and on the side facing the window - for everyone to enjoy. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever and I quickly got over my bitterness for the cookie sheet fiasco. 

But then it got even better. He told me, in addition to that snowman in the front yard, he made me my very own special snowman in the back. You see, off of my bedroom I have a little deck and a patio. He had climbed through the backyard and made another snowman right in front of the window so "I could lie in bed and see it smiling at me every morning". So sweet!!

I told him I loved it and was very happy he made them for me. He was very proud of himself.

I was sure to take pictures of these masterpieces and I am happy to share them with you:

This is the one in the front yard.  I love how the 
body is just a blob.  Look closely for the tuna hat.  
This was my own snowman on the deck.  
The hat is a little bucket he found under the barbeque.

Favourite of the Day: Today, after having an 8-1 lead in the 6th inning of our ball game, we actually LOST.  Oh wait, silly me - that was my least favourite part of today.   Well, maybe it's that it is 4:17am and I am still awake? No, no - that sucks too.  


Amber said...

*Sigh*...thanks, Sar. I never get tired of the Snow Blobs! They kinda remind me of the Barbapapas. Ahhh...classic TVO kids shows. That's a whole 'nother blog topic!!!

C.Flower said...

The snow blobs made me laugh out loud! I'm still smiling.

These Roy posts are so simple and touching and funny. I'm inspired to write a short film about you and Roy. Can't you just picture it? A little indie flick with great music, awkward moments, sweet moments, pissy moments, snow scrapers and cookie sheet ... the whole bit.

Thanks for continuing to post about this fellow. I eat it right up.

Anonymous said...

Sara..your blog post made my day. Then it made me remember when Roy tried to pick up Max on Christmas eve. Two for one laughter as a result.
Miss you

mirella. said...

This is too funny!!!

Gosh, I really hope Roy never stumbles across your blog... Partially because it would be sad for him, but mostly because I want the stories to continue sans any feelings of guilt.

Natasha said...

LOL. Your favourite made me laugh. I can hear your voice saying it. I felt bad when I saw your status line the next morning saying you were up. I was up late too. Do you have video chatting option at home? We should do that some midnight hour.

Ash said...

Thanks for sharing more of your Roy stories!!