Sunday, August 2, 2009

Armando, my BFF

Tonight I had a random memory of something dumb I did years ago. In University one of my classes had assigned seating. It was 'Psychology 101'. I loved this. I wished more classes had assigned seating and I have no idea why. Anyway, day after day I would stare at the tall guy ahead me who was blocking my view. Instead of actually paying attention and learning like I should have been, I started thinking about this guy. I would make up stories in my head about his life. I would make time pass by entertaining myself with his ficticious story. I named him "Armando". He just looked like an Armando to me. We never once spoke and I doubt we even made eye contact.

After a few weeks of staring at the back of his head I noticed he never once wore the same coat two days in a row. Never. This fascinated me. During these cold winter months I wondered how one could possibly have so many winter coats and rotate them so randomly. Or was it random? Then I became obsessed. Was he an anal, OCD-ish guy who purposely rotated things on a schedule? Was everything in his life like that? I wanted to 'catch' him making a mistake. I started making little checks in the back of my notebook to see if there were a pattern to the coats he wore. This consumed my semester and I looked forward to his arrival every day.

He never made a mistake. Not even from a Friday over the weekend to the Monday - All semester. I think I got a 'C' in that class. In Psych of all things. I bet I would have gotten an 'A' if I didn't care what kind of coats people were wearing.

Honestly, who was the nutbar here? What did I think I would accomplish if he did make a mistake? Would I call him out on it, like I won somehow? Really. I'm an idiot.

I want that tuition money back.

Favourite of the Day: Last night I slept on the top bunk of a bunk bed. I haven't done that in at least 15 years and I felt like I was back at summer camp when I was a kid. The memory was completed when I heard my niece in the bunk below smoke her head off the ladder....twice.


Heidi said...

"Smoke her head off the ladder..."

What does that mean – to smoke one's head off?

I had to read this post twice because the first time through I thought that Armando liked "anal," and your niece smoked marijuana.

Sara said...

I wonder if "smoke" is a verb only my sister and I use? I have no idea. I have never thought about that before.

I guess I could have said "bang" but "smoke" is just a part of my vocabulary. Probably much to my mother's dismay. She also doesn't like when I say "shoot it out" as opposed to "throw it out". She always replies with "Did I raise you in a barn?"

mirella. said...

I loved this! Especially because you named him "Armando" .. of all the names in the world..

Also, you are not alone. I use "smoke" all the time. Ex. The day I fell and smoked my head off the pavement of the Group Health Centre... last week....