Years after she passed, when I was adjusting to living alone, I went to the Humane Society and found a companion in a sweet little orange cat I named Steve. He was my buddy who followed me everywhere and loved to cuddle. I've met some jerk cats in my life and I was blessed to find an awesome one. Sadly, he got very sick and I had to put him down too. I buried him on a cold rainy day in my parent's backyard.
After taking a break from having pets for awhile I find myself longing for one again. I want something to cuddle with at the end of a long day. I know how great the companionship you can find in a pet can be. But I also question my luck. With Amber and Steve being as great as they were, could I be so lucky to find one to even compare?
I am trying to convince myself that a pet is a bad idea for me right now. I've come up with a list of 'Con's'. I am not going to a do a 'Pro's' list because I already know what they are and I'm trying to keep that door closed at this point in time.
So, here we go:
- Picking up a dog's warm poop in a bag is gross
- I don't have a fenced yard
- Cat pee stinks. A lot.
- Cats leave litter trails all over the floor
- There is currently no fur on my couch, my clothes or in my bed
- When I want to sleep in, I don't have to wake up to let a dog out
- Winters are cold and going outside when it's -25 sucks
- Vet bills are very expensive
- Cats with nails scratch furniture
- De-clawing a cat is cruel (but I'd still do it) and expensive
- I don't want to adjust my busy schedule to come home to let a dog out
- I work 10 hour shifts...a long time to leave a dog home alone
- Having to put animals down is awful
If you have anything to add to my list, I welcome your negative feedback with open arms.
- sometimes you wind up with a dud and your vet bills are even more expensive than you EVER COULD HAVE IMAGINED....but i love my dud very much and so do you....
- if you don't know how to train a dog it can be a bad dog, then you don't want it around and other people don't want it around
- i know you don't have nearly enough time in your life for a dog and that would be unfair... you already said this, but i'm reminding you
- you know how i feel about cats so i'll save myself the time from talking you out of that.
if you need a rude awakening i'll give you stella for a weekend.... and she's a good dog and probably nothing like the untrained one you'd try to rescue from the pound.
We have 2 cats, 3 dogs, and fish.. wouldn't change a thing.. but, if you get a dog, make sure you get it fixed, cause as cute as our great dane is wearing a diaper.. it will not happen again! lol
PS.. anytime you want to borrow a cat.. I have no issues with that. I won't get anymore once these guy's are gone for the litter box reason alone!
PS.. from Sara T... now M, lol
I knew it was you, Sar. No one else I know has a Great Dane!
I saw just your pics from your trip. That cabin looked beautiful.
I agree with most of the things on your list, but there are sooo many good things too!
I love coming home from work and no matter if it was a good or bad day, the dog is at the door waiting for me with his tail wagging. As much as I HATE going out in the cold and picking up the poop (sometimes),I wouldn't get rid of him for anything!
you may go and think "yeah I will get two little tiny kittens so they can keep eachother company", then realize that one pees on other things like your bed, make you miserable cause you can't for the love of god understand why, and then the other grows so gigantic that he pees right out the door of the biggest litter money can buy and you have to rig up a system so the damn pee doesnt go on the rug, and right after you clean the two trays you have and the puppy pads, run them under the shower replace then with fresh ones, you go away for a few minutes and come back and it is soaked said you wanted more cons so there you go....
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