Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Buy me beets I stain my sheets, I don't even know why"

Life is overwhelming me right now.
I have a lot of things to do and not a lot of time to do them.
But in a few short days I will go from this:
(picture taken during recent snow storm)
To this:

I am going to Cuba for my first 'all-inclusive" vacation, along with 16 other people on Saturday. I am very much looking forward to a day consisting of NOTHING. Nothing. Just lying on the beach reading trashy magazines and wearing copious amounts of sunscreen. Because despite my attempts to go tanning this month, I've made little progress in getting somewhat of a base tan. I don't care really. I just don't want to turn into a lobster. I am haunted by my Carribean adventures in 1995 of blistering in the sun. Ooh - sidenote: Remember how awesome Violent Femmes were? I can't believe they are not on my iPod right now.

Tomorrow I am getting a manicure AND a pedicure. Anyone who knows me knows this is NOT ME. I am not that kind of girl. I don't know - Maybe it's time I get all girly every once in awhile. This morning I told my mom about my mani/pedi. (Did I just say that? Punch me in the face, please). She saw me a little while later and leans into me and whispers:

"Sar - you know you should shave your legs before your pedicure, eh?".

Ya ma, thanks.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A wedding forecast

About five years ago my friend Jacqui, or Qui as I like to call her, returned to work after her lunch break to proudly show off the latest deal she found at the mall. She had bought her wedding jewellery.

Here's the thing - Qui was single.

However, Qui is confident. She is the type of person that calls a spade a spade. That is what I love about her. She liked the jewellery and it was on sale - so she bought it.

Yesterday, I attended Qui's wedding. It was a simple private gathering that took place in the minister's living room in front of his fireplace. She and her husband said their "I do's" and exchanged a kiss. Then we had lunch. Back at her house I told Qui she looked beautiful. She pointed to her necklace and earrings and said with a smile "Hey....wedding jewellery"

Oh, Qui - you sure make me laugh. Congratulations on finding love and all the best to you and Juerg. (Or as I now like to call him "beef juerky")


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A haiku

Soothe my neck. Straight spine.
Orthopedic pillow love.
Oh, you've changed my life.

No really, It has changed my life. Who would have thought a pillow had that much power. Well, let me be the first to tell you - it does. Yes, a pillow. I went 30 years of life missing out on this. I'm sleeping better than I ever have in my entire life. I felt the need to share. Do what you will with this life altering information.

Favourite of the Day: Getting to see friends who are near and dear to my heart. Cheers to Christmas for bringing people back to where they belong - in the same area code as me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A goodbye message

There was a blog I wrote back in July. (You should go read it) It was about a day spent with my friend Brent. Tragically and unexpectedly, Brent passed away on Friday. Since hearing of this I have been overwhelmed with sadness and disbelief. I am writing this blog to say goodbye to my friend.


In the wake of your passing I have been reminded again of so many things about you; Your devotion to your students, your quick wit, your love for family and friends and your passion for fun.

You had an infectious laughter that echoed throughout a room that I can still hear so clearly in my mind. Thank goodness for that.

Over the years I have enjoyed running into your dad at hockey games. He always proudly boasted to me your latest accomplishments and was eager to hear anything new going on in my life. I know I will continue to see him and I am happy about that. It will make me think of you and no doubt we will reminisce. I will try my hardest not to be sad but instead be happy to have shared in part of your life. I will remember many things and cherish memories. Here are some of my favourite:

  • Our presentation in Grade 9 - a Pee Wee Herman skit, performed in french
  • Nights at Natalie's camp

  • Crocodile Mile parties at Barb's

  • Going "Meating"

  • When we snuck into someone else's wedding on a quest for a sombrero. (Success)

  • "This is for you, Aileen" - which I won't explain because you would be embarrassed

  • Sitting in our hotel room after Kiley's wedding eating pizza and chatting. In the morning you were angry I didn't wake you up to eat the pizza....forgetting that you ate most of it.

  • Being your 'girl' date when needed and thankfully, it was eventually not needed

The last day we spent together was a good one - no, a great one. We parted ways with a hug and said "see you at Christmas". Next week is Christmas and I will see you again for the last time. I could not have imagined it would be at your funeral. I will say goodbye and I will be sad. But I will try to remember something silly, like how you would rub your belly when you ate too much and pretended you were having 'baby maxine'. And I will try to smile.

I will miss you but I won't forget.

You are forever in my heart.

Rest in peace, my friend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A la Carrie Bradshaw

I had always watched with envy as characters on television ate Chinese food out of those fun little white take-out boxes. I never thought I would get to share in that experience. No restaurants around here have them.

But then...my friend Amber discovered that our favourite restaurant in Michigan has them!! She spoiled me last weekend with Thai take-out and we sat on her couch and had some girl talk. We were a scene right out of Sex and the City, complete with chopsticks.

Never give up on your dreams, people.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Email to Rogers

Email I just sent to Rogers:

As my contract comes up for expiry I have begun to research new phones. I have come to realize you treat new customers much better than your loyal ones. So I ask you this; What is convincing me to stay with Rogers? As of now - nothing. You have a limited window to convince me to stay. Good luck.

Yours Truly,

Stay tuned for their response. I hope it's good.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to me.

I did it. I turned 30 and all is well.
No tears. It was a good day. Great actually.

This picture is a bit funny because I'm blowing out candles on a

half eaten birthday cake.

I was looking back at old pictures from previous birthdays and I found these ones from my 28th birthday. I had rented the ice to have a skating party. For the first while we skated around. Then everyone wanted to play a friendly game of hockey. No one had helmets on and a red flag went up in my mind, but I still thought it would be fun to play. Before we began to play, I announced to everyone that we all needed to be careful and 'take it easy'.

Well, wouldn't you know it...two seconds after the game started, someone gets a puck in the eye. This was followed by a lot of blood and a trip to the hospital for some stitches.

Guess who shot the puck?

You guessed it.

Me. Of course.

Because that's my life.

Favourite of the Day:
So many things! Including:
-waking up to a special present
-reading this and feeling special. Thanks N.
-a surprise lunch with my family (and Amy)
-the best Happy Birthday song ever (piano by Erin, sung by Stu)
-finding a new bedspread that matches perfectly - finally
-many messages and calls from friends
-a surprise evening with some friends
-a cake, made and decorated by Brian

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Teeter - Totter

It's my last night in life in my 20's.  Tomorrow I turn 30 and I feel like I am on a teeter-totter. I'm wavering between feeling good about the positive in my life and dwelling on the negative.  I usually try to be the 'glass half full' type girl, but some days I just want to be the 'it's my party and I'll cry if I want to' girl.  

I've been thinking about/dreading turning 30 for the past year.  But as I sit here on the eve of the fateful day, I know that logically it is just another day.  However it is hard not to reflect on the journey of life. Where you are ~ where you thought you'd be ~ where you'd like to be.  

Today I started to think about where I was 10 years ago and what changed in my life during my 20's.  At the age of 20 I was going to school at Lake Superior State University.  I thought I was on my way to becoming a teacher - and I was happy about that.   Then I turned 21.  That was a hard year - my hardest actually.  I was struck by a sudden onset of panic attacks and developed an anxiety disorder. I struggled with this more than anything else in my life.  I almost quit school.  I didn't, but I did give up on my dream of being a teacher.  Thankfully, my struggle with anxiety didn't last long.  I graduated that year and was lucky to find a full time job where I still work today.  

When I turned 22, I dreamed of living the life of Felicity - frankly, because I watch too much t.v. So I moved out of my parents house and got an apartment with my friend Lauren.  We lived together for a year.  What a crazy but fun year.  I grew up that year though.  Being on my own was a lesson.  

At 23 I decided paying a mortgage was better than paying rent.  So I bought a house. 

Turning 24 must not have been that exciting.  I can't remember anything awesome.  I bet something really cool happened though.  

When I was 25, I thought letting a stranger from China move into my house five minutes after I met him would be an awesome thing to do. So I did.  If you don't know about Roy, you can read that story here.  

The year I turned 26 my friend Dana moved in.  That was a year full of adventures.  None that I would say were good adventures - but they were adventures nonetheless.  It was a series of events that I would not have predicted happening in a million years.  But they did. We dealt with them together. We grew together and in the end, all was well.  Invaluable life lessons.

From that point on, until now, I have not had any major changes in my life.  But I continue to be me - always busy and enjoying the company of the fantastic people I have in my life.  Many of my friends have gotten married (and oh I love weddings!!), some have had children (that I've grown to love dearly), new people have entered my life and some have left too.  I have loved watching my nieces grow from infants into their own little people.  I've travelled.  I've laughed. And while there have been hard times or sad times, for the most part I've had fun.  

In writing this tonight, I've decided I'm teetering, not tottering.  I need not to think of what I don't have, but remember what I do. Life is good.  I have nothing to complain about.  I await what adventures my 30's will bring.  

Life is short.  Be silly and enjoy the ride. 

Favourite of the Day:  I had a good chat with Natasha and then my mom made a wicked, restaurant worthy dinner (pasta with grilled chicken, roasted red peppers and almonds covered in a white wine/cream sauce).