Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lucky Charms

I am in the midst of doing some major spring cleaning right now. I am getting rid of clothes I don’t wear and things I never use. This was prompted by Suze Orman. She said something that made me take a step back and look at myself.

She said; “People who respect their things respect their money.” Hmmm. She continued on saying that people who have clutter probably also have debt. “Interesting” I thought, as I peered into the mountain of clothes growing on my closet floor. Then I wandered into my basement full of junk and wondered how on earth I have accumulated this much stuff and wondered why it’s so randomly strewn about. (Though a section of this ‘stuff’ belongs to previous roommates who have left it there. Kiley/Dana. *cough cough*)

I have debt. I worry about money. I know I could be more financially organized. I often wonder if the people in my life worry as much as I do. Is this normal? It’s not exactly something you bring up on a Friday night over beer either. I’m sure worry to an extent is healthy. What is normal, I’ll never know.

But getting rid of crap sure is refreshing and rejuvenating. I get excited when it’s finally done. Sometimes I open my newly organized closet just to look at it, then close the doors again.

I am shedding my snakeskin and hoping my more organized self will be motivated to respect my things and in turn, be a wise rich soul.

Part of me realizes that deep down, I will always be me and Mount Kilimanjaro will soon be the breeding grounds on my closet floor. Until then, I will bask in my superiority over the clutter lurking in the shadows of my basement.

Also, I’ll be wishing to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Using a Leprechaun tactic as Plan B can’t hurt.


mirella. said...

I, too, love the purging process from time to time.
I'm a horrible pack rat, so it's hard for me... but once I do it, I feel great.
(Sidenote: Have you ever seen Kristen Wiig impersonate Suze Orman on SNL? It's hilarious!)

Having money is necessary, of course.
But (and I know you already know this) there are far more important things! :o)

PS. Your last sentence made me want an entire box of Pot of Gold chocolate SO BAD!!!
PPS. "Pushing Daises". SOON!.. Next week????

Sara said...

Oooh. I will be in for Pushing Daisies next week as long as my spring cleaning project is complete....