Sunday, June 7, 2009

50 Awesome Things

This marks my 50th blog post!!

In honour of this momentous occasion, I've decided to follow in the footsteps of some fellow bloggers. A guy named Neil writes a blog I love, where every weekday he celebrates something awesome. I highly recommend you read it here. My real life friends Natasha and Mirella also wrote similar blogs outlining things they love.

In the 10 months I've been doing this, I've discovered I like to write and I like to share my thoughts. In this special edition, I decided to outline 50 things I think are awesome. Keep coming back and keep your comments coming!! Thanks for sharing in this journey with me. I hope you enjoy! ~Sara

50 Awesome Things
(1) The bedsheets my mom got custom made for me. Someone who recently slept over said they make you feel like someone is hugging you all night long. Well said, my friend, well said.
(2) Learning how to make flowers out of icing. It's harder than it looks. Oh, Also the new popularity of cake shows. (Ace of Cakes and Cake Boss)
(3) Having my own lawn mower. Having a lawn a mower that is NOT electric. Having a brother-in-law who knows how to fix lawn mowers. Having a neighbour who will cut my grass if I ask him too.
(4) Library books are free. I took the t.v. out of my bedroom and I'm back on the reading train, after a short hiatus.
(5) Thanks to my friend John, I finally learned how to use iMovie.
(6) My parents 40th wedding anniversary is coming up. That is something worth celebrating. Spending 40 years of your life with one person is pretty amazing.
(7) Having a great friend, who grew up to be an awesome hairdresser. Score for me and my hair. Cheers to Jayme.
(8) Those rare occasions where you meet someone new, but you instantly feel a connection with them and it's like you've known them your entire life.
(9) Post Secret. Because hearing peoples inner most thoughts and fears is comforting and makes you realize you are not alone. And sometimes there are really funny ones too.
(10) Bug season hasn't kicked in yet. No mosquitoes!
(11) Optimum points at Shoppers Drug Mart. I used to have a card, then I lost it. I forgot about it (surprise). But then last week I called about it - turns out I have 65,000 points. So exciting.
(12) Presidents Choice has no fee banking.
(13) Thanks to a puzzle I bought a year ago, and I can finally (and quickly) label all 50 states on a United States map.
(14) Gas Stations in Michigan. The best ones are in remote towns.
(15) Rest Stops in Michigan. Conveniently located right along the highway. Zip in. Zip out. Genius.
(16) When old people hold hands.
(17) Old men who wear hats. or suspenders. or both.
(18) Spark Notes. I don't think I would have made it through University without them.
(19) Puppies & Kittens. So cliche, I know. Let's throw in babies while were at it.
(20) PVR
(21) Paying my parking tickets has been significantly cheaper than me actually paying for parking.
(22) Making lists. Reading Lists. And crossing things off of a list.
(23) Good toilet paper. It's worth the extra money.
(24) Knowing all the words to a song.
(25) Being right on Jeopardy
(26) After a roadtrip, finally sleeping in your own bed.
(27) Frosters from Macs. Except for pink ones.
(28) Putting on clothes, fresh out of the dryer. Toasty and warm.
(29) Getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist.
(30) Stanley Cup Playoffs! I hope it goes to Game 7.
(31) Deep fried pickles. Specifically from The Roadhouse. And I love it that the people who work there know to replace the ranch with marinara without me even having to ask.
(32) Having people in your life you may not talk to often, but when you do, it's like you never missed a day.
(33) A marshmallow, cooked over coals until it's golden brown, placed carefully between a piece of chocolate and two graham crackers.
(34) Waking up in a tent on a sunny morning. Not knowing what time it is. Not caring what time it is.
(35) Big Spoons ;) And the timing of a big spoon coming back into your life, and not realizing how important it would come to be.
(36) Going to a concert and discovering the music is even better in real life. True, raw talent.
(37) Driving in the car, singing at the top of your lungs.
(38) Having a sister I can make eye contact with and know exactly what she's thinking. And vice versa.
(39) Just having a sister in general. I don't know what I'd do without her.
(40) Having that good comeback -- right away. Not four hours later when the opportunity to use it has passed.
(41) Living in a country that recognizes and celebrates love. Where anyone can get married, regardless of their parts.
(42) Getting mail. Real snail mail.
(43) Having done enough stupid things in my life, to not get embarrassed that easily.
(44) My grandma, who at the age of 85, still has a great sense of humour. Most recently displayed to me when I went to her apartment to find she had hidden chocolate covered peanuts under a stuffed rabbit in her doorway.
(45) Knowing that spellcheck will always fix the way I spell definitely. Because I definitely get it wrong every time.
(46) Rollercoasters - especially the ones that have loops. And unlike in the 80's, being able to go on them without throwing up.
(47) Miracle Whip. Which is hands down, better than mayonnaise.
(48) The internet funny's. There are really, really funny people out there. Witty, smart, funny people.
(49) Not being allergic to anything (except Amoxicillan). I see people with allergies and I'm so thankful to not suffer through that.
(50) My brother. I'm feeling guilty that I gave my sister all the love. Not that he'll ever read this. But he's awesome too.


Natasha said...

Sara, #21 is one of the awesomest things I've read EVER. I laughed and laughed. You're a gambler, I guess, without realising it.

Also, isn't it awesome to have a writer friend to point out all your grammar errors? No? Okay, nevermind then.

(Ha! I kill me!)

amber said...

Congrats on #50. We "definitely" need to make a pickle date.

Giggles said...

I like # 3. For me, having a lawnmower makes me feel like an adult. Don't know why, but it does.

And I would have to say that #21 is the BEST! Parking tickets are MUCH cheaper than actually paying for parking downtown!

C.Flower said...

Your mother had bed sheets CUSTOM MADE for you?

What are you, the Queen of Egypt?

j/k. Congrats on No. 50. I never feel "obligated" to read your Lance.