Monday, November 22, 2010

Horseshoe in my Arse?

Someone broke into my car last night.

I discovered this today when it appeared a tornado made its way through the inside of it. There were papers and things strewn about. The console and glove compartment were open and everything had been rifled through. My heart sunk. I had a lot of good 'loot' in there.

I had gift cards from Tim Hortons, M&M's & Cineplex in there. I left my wallet in there, which contained $35.00 cash and my credit card. My passport was in there. I had a $20.00 bill in an envelope in there. To top it all off - my extra set of car keys were in there. Doh.

You know what was stolen? Nothing. Can you believe that? I don't know if someone was watching over me, if its karma or maybe I had a horseshoe in my arse. Either way, I am thankful. Thankful to whomever may have scared them off and thankful I don't have the headache of dealing with stolen cards, passports or you know - cars. Seriously, they could have just taken the keys and driven off with the damn thing.

If you would have asked me this morning if I had locked the doors last night, I would have answered with 100% confidence that I had. I always do. Or not, so it seems.

I am well aware of what a giant meathead I am for having all that stuff in my car in the first place. Consider it a lesson learned.

By the way - if anyone reading this happens to be around my dad, lets just keep this little incident to ourselves. While my dad is well aware of the bonehead moves I make, he would not be too pleased to hear this one. Thanks.

Favourite of the Day: Well, not getting robbed. Plus, Claudia and I went to Gran Festa for lunch and I had the most amazing sandwich on the planet. It was grilled chicken, spinach, figs and brie with a roasted apple spread. Mmmmmmm.


Cheese Makes Me Happy! said...

I think it was karma! You're a great person and do a lot for others. You make me laugh every time I talk with you. You've got GREAT karma!

I'm glad nothing was taken.

Natasha said...

Wow. That is so weird. Very happy for you!

I have my own boneheaded stories from this weekend. Ugh. I'll gladly trade you brains.

kiley said...

I was just looking for my lipstick!

kiley said...

Did they take your shotgun?

Heidi said...


I can't believe you almost lost your Timmy Ho's gift cards!

And yes, though we've never met, I believe you have excellent karma.