This post is for Office lovers only.
(I'll give those suckers who don't watch this show a moment to click elsewhere...)

***pictures stolen from NBC's website***
I think The Office is absolutely the best comedy on television. The writers are brilliant and the cast is an all time best. Their timing and delivery is top notch. I can't really put into adequate words how much I love this show.
The other day at work, my friend and I were debating who was the best character on the show. Not counting the main four (Michael, Dwight, Jim & Pam) we narrowed it down to two: Kevin and Phyllis. I am pretty adamant it is Phyllis, but he thinks it is Kevin. After some discussion of certain scenes and lines, I may be wavering towards switching to team Kevin. Recently, Kevin has had some good scenes - like when he went to Jim and Pam's wedding wearing Kleenex boxes as shoes, or 'borrowing' Jim's office to fart. But then there is Phyllis. She has some great one-liners; "I wonder what people like about me?....I bet it's my jugs". Oh, that line makes me full out belly laugh.
Yes, I think ultimately I'm staying with Phyllis.
Anyway, I hope to hear from everyone else who loves this show. Consider the following characters:
I left out Ryan, Toby and Erin. Basically because I don't think they should be considered a top character because they aren't that funny. I wish Holly was still around. The parody of Slumdog Millionaire she did with Michael should have earned her a permanent spot on the show. She had the best chemistry with him and was a perfect fit for this show.
Who is your favourite?
Un - Favourite of the Day: My two 7 year old nieces are both in Grade Two at the same school. They were in a talent show at school today and I forgot to go. Had I gone, I KNOW this would have been my Favourite of the Day. I'm certainly not winning Aunt of the Year today.