Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"Buy me beets I stain my sheets, I don't even know why"

Life is overwhelming me right now.
I have a lot of things to do and not a lot of time to do them.
But in a few short days I will go from this:
(picture taken during recent snow storm)
To this:

I am going to Cuba for my first 'all-inclusive" vacation, along with 16 other people on Saturday. I am very much looking forward to a day consisting of NOTHING. Nothing. Just lying on the beach reading trashy magazines and wearing copious amounts of sunscreen. Because despite my attempts to go tanning this month, I've made little progress in getting somewhat of a base tan. I don't care really. I just don't want to turn into a lobster. I am haunted by my Carribean adventures in 1995 of blistering in the sun. Ooh - sidenote: Remember how awesome Violent Femmes were? I can't believe they are not on my iPod right now.

Tomorrow I am getting a manicure AND a pedicure. Anyone who knows me knows this is NOT ME. I am not that kind of girl. I don't know - Maybe it's time I get all girly every once in awhile. This morning I told my mom about my mani/pedi. (Did I just say that? Punch me in the face, please). She saw me a little while later and leans into me and whispers:

"Sar - you know you should shave your legs before your pedicure, eh?".

Ya ma, thanks.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A wedding forecast

About five years ago my friend Jacqui, or Qui as I like to call her, returned to work after her lunch break to proudly show off the latest deal she found at the mall. She had bought her wedding jewellery.

Here's the thing - Qui was single.

However, Qui is confident. She is the type of person that calls a spade a spade. That is what I love about her. She liked the jewellery and it was on sale - so she bought it.

Yesterday, I attended Qui's wedding. It was a simple private gathering that took place in the minister's living room in front of his fireplace. She and her husband said their "I do's" and exchanged a kiss. Then we had lunch. Back at her house I told Qui she looked beautiful. She pointed to her necklace and earrings and said with a smile "Hey....wedding jewellery"

Oh, Qui - you sure make me laugh. Congratulations on finding love and all the best to you and Juerg. (Or as I now like to call him "beef juerky")


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A haiku

Soothe my neck. Straight spine.
Orthopedic pillow love.
Oh, you've changed my life.

No really, It has changed my life. Who would have thought a pillow had that much power. Well, let me be the first to tell you - it does. Yes, a pillow. I went 30 years of life missing out on this. I'm sleeping better than I ever have in my entire life. I felt the need to share. Do what you will with this life altering information.

Favourite of the Day: Getting to see friends who are near and dear to my heart. Cheers to Christmas for bringing people back to where they belong - in the same area code as me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A goodbye message

There was a blog I wrote back in July. (You should go read it) It was about a day spent with my friend Brent. Tragically and unexpectedly, Brent passed away on Friday. Since hearing of this I have been overwhelmed with sadness and disbelief. I am writing this blog to say goodbye to my friend.


In the wake of your passing I have been reminded again of so many things about you; Your devotion to your students, your quick wit, your love for family and friends and your passion for fun.

You had an infectious laughter that echoed throughout a room that I can still hear so clearly in my mind. Thank goodness for that.

Over the years I have enjoyed running into your dad at hockey games. He always proudly boasted to me your latest accomplishments and was eager to hear anything new going on in my life. I know I will continue to see him and I am happy about that. It will make me think of you and no doubt we will reminisce. I will try my hardest not to be sad but instead be happy to have shared in part of your life. I will remember many things and cherish memories. Here are some of my favourite:

  • Our presentation in Grade 9 - a Pee Wee Herman skit, performed in french
  • Nights at Natalie's camp

  • Crocodile Mile parties at Barb's

  • Going "Meating"

  • When we snuck into someone else's wedding on a quest for a sombrero. (Success)

  • "This is for you, Aileen" - which I won't explain because you would be embarrassed

  • Sitting in our hotel room after Kiley's wedding eating pizza and chatting. In the morning you were angry I didn't wake you up to eat the pizza....forgetting that you ate most of it.

  • Being your 'girl' date when needed and thankfully, it was eventually not needed

The last day we spent together was a good one - no, a great one. We parted ways with a hug and said "see you at Christmas". Next week is Christmas and I will see you again for the last time. I could not have imagined it would be at your funeral. I will say goodbye and I will be sad. But I will try to remember something silly, like how you would rub your belly when you ate too much and pretended you were having 'baby maxine'. And I will try to smile.

I will miss you but I won't forget.

You are forever in my heart.

Rest in peace, my friend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A la Carrie Bradshaw

I had always watched with envy as characters on television ate Chinese food out of those fun little white take-out boxes. I never thought I would get to share in that experience. No restaurants around here have them.

But then...my friend Amber discovered that our favourite restaurant in Michigan has them!! She spoiled me last weekend with Thai take-out and we sat on her couch and had some girl talk. We were a scene right out of Sex and the City, complete with chopsticks.

Never give up on your dreams, people.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Email to Rogers

Email I just sent to Rogers:

As my contract comes up for expiry I have begun to research new phones. I have come to realize you treat new customers much better than your loyal ones. So I ask you this; What is convincing me to stay with Rogers? As of now - nothing. You have a limited window to convince me to stay. Good luck.

Yours Truly,

Stay tuned for their response. I hope it's good.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to me.

I did it. I turned 30 and all is well.
No tears. It was a good day. Great actually.

This picture is a bit funny because I'm blowing out candles on a

half eaten birthday cake.

I was looking back at old pictures from previous birthdays and I found these ones from my 28th birthday. I had rented the ice to have a skating party. For the first while we skated around. Then everyone wanted to play a friendly game of hockey. No one had helmets on and a red flag went up in my mind, but I still thought it would be fun to play. Before we began to play, I announced to everyone that we all needed to be careful and 'take it easy'.

Well, wouldn't you know it...two seconds after the game started, someone gets a puck in the eye. This was followed by a lot of blood and a trip to the hospital for some stitches.

Guess who shot the puck?

You guessed it.

Me. Of course.

Because that's my life.

Favourite of the Day:
So many things! Including:
-waking up to a special present
-reading this and feeling special. Thanks N.
-a surprise lunch with my family (and Amy)
-the best Happy Birthday song ever (piano by Erin, sung by Stu)
-finding a new bedspread that matches perfectly - finally
-many messages and calls from friends
-a surprise evening with some friends
-a cake, made and decorated by Brian

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Teeter - Totter

It's my last night in life in my 20's.  Tomorrow I turn 30 and I feel like I am on a teeter-totter. I'm wavering between feeling good about the positive in my life and dwelling on the negative.  I usually try to be the 'glass half full' type girl, but some days I just want to be the 'it's my party and I'll cry if I want to' girl.  

I've been thinking about/dreading turning 30 for the past year.  But as I sit here on the eve of the fateful day, I know that logically it is just another day.  However it is hard not to reflect on the journey of life. Where you are ~ where you thought you'd be ~ where you'd like to be.  

Today I started to think about where I was 10 years ago and what changed in my life during my 20's.  At the age of 20 I was going to school at Lake Superior State University.  I thought I was on my way to becoming a teacher - and I was happy about that.   Then I turned 21.  That was a hard year - my hardest actually.  I was struck by a sudden onset of panic attacks and developed an anxiety disorder. I struggled with this more than anything else in my life.  I almost quit school.  I didn't, but I did give up on my dream of being a teacher.  Thankfully, my struggle with anxiety didn't last long.  I graduated that year and was lucky to find a full time job where I still work today.  

When I turned 22, I dreamed of living the life of Felicity - frankly, because I watch too much t.v. So I moved out of my parents house and got an apartment with my friend Lauren.  We lived together for a year.  What a crazy but fun year.  I grew up that year though.  Being on my own was a lesson.  

At 23 I decided paying a mortgage was better than paying rent.  So I bought a house. 

Turning 24 must not have been that exciting.  I can't remember anything awesome.  I bet something really cool happened though.  

When I was 25, I thought letting a stranger from China move into my house five minutes after I met him would be an awesome thing to do. So I did.  If you don't know about Roy, you can read that story here.  

The year I turned 26 my friend Dana moved in.  That was a year full of adventures.  None that I would say were good adventures - but they were adventures nonetheless.  It was a series of events that I would not have predicted happening in a million years.  But they did. We dealt with them together. We grew together and in the end, all was well.  Invaluable life lessons.

From that point on, until now, I have not had any major changes in my life.  But I continue to be me - always busy and enjoying the company of the fantastic people I have in my life.  Many of my friends have gotten married (and oh I love weddings!!), some have had children (that I've grown to love dearly), new people have entered my life and some have left too.  I have loved watching my nieces grow from infants into their own little people.  I've travelled.  I've laughed. And while there have been hard times or sad times, for the most part I've had fun.  

In writing this tonight, I've decided I'm teetering, not tottering.  I need not to think of what I don't have, but remember what I do. Life is good.  I have nothing to complain about.  I await what adventures my 30's will bring.  

Life is short.  Be silly and enjoy the ride. 

Favourite of the Day:  I had a good chat with Natasha and then my mom made a wicked, restaurant worthy dinner (pasta with grilled chicken, roasted red peppers and almonds covered in a white wine/cream sauce).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Over the course of my life I have played on many, many teams. Hockey, baseball, ringette, volleyball, basketball....I don't know what else. Through sports I have met many people and made countless friends - some of whom will grow old with me. I know this. Being on teams had always been and continues to be a blessing in my life. 

There is one team in particular that will always stand out in my mind as 'the one'.  Like Gretzky - it was the great one.  It was a hockey team I played on years ago.  There was something about this group of girls.  We had chemistry - we just clicked.  I was in University and was spending many weekends in the winter traveling all around Ontario with this team.  We had fun playing a game we loved.  Whether we were on road trips in the car, in our rented team vans or buses - we made so many memories. We didn't become 'the one' overnight either. Some of us played together for a few years.  Some players left, some new ones joined - but at some point we had formed the perfect group.  It was a time of my life I was very happy.  

We worked very hard that season and we had a really good team. One of the older player's once said to us after a game; "You know, I've played on other teams with a lot more talent, but I've never played on a team this good." We all laughed, but we knew it was because of our chemistry.  

At the end of that season we played our final game at the provincials in Brampton.  The one we had practiced and prepared so much for - and we won.  Champions.  We were the number one team in Ontario and it felt amazing. We lined up on the blue line in anticipation of them announcing our team so we could accept our trophy. I looked over at my good friend beside me. She was someone I had played with for years and someone who is NOT emotional - but she was crying.  Not an overjoyed happy cry either. It was a cry of sadness.  Surprised of course, I asked her what was wrong. She said "It's over.  I can feel it". I was caught off guard.  I had no idea what she meant.  Then she said "This is it for us.  It's the end of our team.  Were done and I'm sad." A few of us told her she was crazy - that we would all be back next year to do it again - like we always did.  But she said we were wrong and continued to cry. Which, of course, spread like wildfire and then everyone was crying - even our coaches. 

I will never forget that moment of my life. 

And it turned out - she was right.  That next year our team DID fall apart.  It blindsided me.  It changed everything.  Friendships were lost and people were hurt.  Directions of peoples lives changed that year.   

But here is what I don't get.  How did she know?  It was a time when everyone was celebrating a victory.  A time when everyone was happy with who we were and what we had done.  A time when we had no indication of the fall out to come.  I don't know how, but somehow she just knew.  

Sometimes you get a feeling in your gut. I've yet to encounter a time in my life where my gut was wrong.  

I guess she had a moment too.  

Monday, November 23, 2009

Pee Wee's Madhouse

When I was a young buck I eagerly awaited Saturday mornings. Every week at 10:30am sharp you would have found me sitting on a metal chair covered in red vinyl, placed on hideous green carpet directly in front of the TV in the basement. I would be waiting to find out the day's 'secret' word on Pee Wee's Playhouse. Whenever the word was said, I would "scream real loud" right alongside Paul Reuben. That was my absolute favourite show. I LOVED it. I would laugh and laugh and I loved all the characters on the show.

Skip ahead to today, as I laid on my couch sulking with strep throat, I stumbled upon "The Pee Wee Herman Show" playing on HBO. Why HBO is playing this, I have no idea. But watching the show again after 20 years made me question how this show landed on television in the first place. It is so messed up and twisted. It was clearly created in someones drug induced mind.

Isn't it funny how perspective changes in 20 years? It is comforting to know that the innocence of childhood prevents you from seeing the darker side of things. Part of me was slightly horrified today, but another part of me wanted to laugh really hard and if it didn't hurt - I would have.

Minus that whole masturb*ting in public stint, Paul Reuben, tapped into something successful (well, besides himself....hardy har har). I'm guessing it takes a lot for grown man to wear blush and prance around talking to puppets. I'm sure he took quite a bit of chirping from his buddies, but he would have been the one laughing all the way to the bank.

If you are like me and forgot how whacked out this show is, check out this little gem I found. It is "Cowness" (the cow) coaching "Cowboy Curtis" (played by Laurence Fishburne...what???) on how he should act on his date with Miss Yvonne. Pee Wee is pretending to be Miss Yvonne. It is really funny. Try to watch the whole thing.

Favourite of the Day: Um. This video.  My mom is supposed to be bringing me some Mr Freezies soon.  When that happens, it will be my favourite.  Until then...  Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho.  

Monday, November 16, 2009

Full Circle

I was driving by a cemetery about two weeks ago and I started to think about cremation. I got a little fixated on this and it consumed my thoughts for quite some time. I wasn't thinking about the spiritual aspect of it, but instead, the physical aspect. I was thinking about the people who do that for a living. Can you imagine if that was your job? I wondered if the job became routine for them and they eventually stopped thinking about what they were actually doing all day. I wondered if they were spiritual people or not. I wondered if they worked alone and had only the company of the departed all day long. Many thoughts were swirling around this brain of mine.

Then my life came full circle, as it often does.

Last week I had gone to watch some friends of mine play hockey. After the game we went up to the Sports bar for a drink. As we were sitting there, this man who knew one of my friends came to sit with us and chat.

Well, wouldn't you know it - he cremates people for a living.

I got really excited when I found out and I asked him a ton of questions. I think he was excited that I was excited and he didn't disappoint. He told me everything in detail. Whenever the conversation started to steer in a new direction I quickly jumped in to bring it back to focus. I'm sure my friends were thinking "okay Sara, let it go". And eventually I did.

I love that random coincidental stuff happens to me. Isn't that awesome? I LOVE MY LIFE.

Favourite of the Day: Yesterday in the car with Avery and Darienne, I cranked up "Love Story" by Taylor Swift and we all sung at the top of our lungs. We were so into it that when we arrived at our destination we just put the car in park and kept on singing.

I've been reading this blog and crying every single time I read it. It is a lesson in life to appreciate moments while you can. So I'm going to rock out with these kids every chance I get.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Actual Conversation

It was my sister Amy's birthday today and we went to see a movie. We saw "The Box" starring Cameron Diaz and James Marsden. Here is the conversation that took place as we walked out of the theatre:

Me: "Hey Aim, remember that time our dog died on my birthday?"

Amy: "Ya"

Me: "Well, I think you just trumped me for the having WORST BIRTHDAY EVER"

Okay, so I'm being melodramatic. But the movie really was that bad. I can't even express the magnitude of it's crapness. Do not give that movie your time or money. Ever.


(Also, she didn't really trump me. Because....C'mon.)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kevin vs. Phyllis

This post is for Office lovers only.

(I'll give those suckers who don't watch this show a moment to click elsewhere...)

***pictures stolen from NBC's website***

I think The Office is absolutely the best comedy on television. The writers are brilliant and the cast is an all time best. Their timing and delivery is top notch. I can't really put into adequate words how much I love this show.

The other day at work, my friend and I were debating who was the best character on the show. Not counting the main four (Michael, Dwight, Jim & Pam) we narrowed it down to two: Kevin and Phyllis. I am pretty adamant it is Phyllis, but he thinks it is Kevin.  After some discussion of certain scenes and lines, I may be wavering towards switching to team Kevin. Recently, Kevin has had some good scenes - like when he went to Jim and Pam's wedding wearing Kleenex boxes as shoes, or 'borrowing' Jim's office to fart. But then there is Phyllis. She has some great one-liners; "I wonder what people like about me?....I bet it's my jugs". Oh, that line makes me full out belly laugh. 

Yes, I think ultimately I'm staying with Phyllis. 

Anyway, I hope to hear from everyone else who loves this show.   Consider the following characters: 


I left out Ryan, Toby and Erin.  Basically because I don't think they should be considered a top character because they aren't that funny.  I wish Holly was still around.  The parody of Slumdog Millionaire she did with Michael should have earned her a permanent spot on the show.  She had the best chemistry with him and was a perfect fit for this show.

Who is your favourite?

Un - Favourite of the Day:  My two 7 year old nieces are both in Grade Two at the same school.  They were in a talent show at school today and I forgot to go.  Had I gone, I KNOW this would have been my Favourite of the Day.  I'm certainly not winning Aunt of the Year today. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

This is super gross, sorry.

When my friend Amy and I were in University we took a road trip to Hamilton to visit friends at MacMaster University.  We snuck into an all boys dorm to stay with a friend for a few nights. They had a 'no girls allowed' rule - but we stayed there anyway, sneaking in quick bathroom trips and guarded shower time.  After we had been there awhile I think the boys forgot we were there.  It was interesting.  We saw boys being boys - just being themselves, comfortable in their own. 

Sometimes I feel like this when I do scorekeeping for men's hockey. (This a new thing I do in my spare time).  Sitting in the little booth between the two benches, I see the men in their element. Unfortunately this means I also see some pretty repulsive behavior. Prepare yourself ladies - I'm about to share some disturbing information;  

Guys blow snot all over the place.  

Ya, that's right - Wherever they are sitting or standing, no matter who is around them.  They put their finger over one nostril and just blow snot out, free to roam wherever it may roam. Without fail, I have seen this happen multiple times at every single game.  It makes me want to throw up. (I've seen multiple guys throw up too).  

Never, in a million years would a girl ever do this.  EVER. 

I just got back from doing a game right now and one of the guys walked over to the garbage can behind me to blow his snot there and I actually thought "Awww, what a nice guy...he used the garbage can".  Right, like he's a gentleman.  

This is absurd.  I'm getting desensitized.  I feel like I need to go get a manicure and watch Beaches. 

Favourite of the Day:  I've recently been introduced to Del Monte Pink Grapefruit Cups. I LOVE these.  They don't sell these locally, but my friend Dana got me some from Kingston.  She put them in a cooler bag with ice and boarded them on a PLANE  to bring home for me??  How crazy is that?  I ate one for breakfast today.  I only have ten so I have to ration them.  I could honestly eat about six a day. 


Sunday, October 18, 2009


I think children have this anti-creepy gene that we must lose during puberty. Have you ever seen some of the toys kids play with?  Kids are immune to the creepiness of them.  Over Thanksgiving weekend some of the toys we played with years and years ago made their way out of my aunt's basement.   Sorry this is sideways, but check out the awfulness of this:

I watched in horror as 2 year old Owen did this over and over again. Laughing and giggling each time - like it was actually a fun toy to play with.  

Similarly, I was at Christmas party two years ago when Jane and I stumbled upon this doll at my friend John's house.  The doll's name is Joey.  John loves Joey and was apparently his childhood prized possession.  Even as an adult, working on a cruise ship, his mother mailed him Joey in a care package.  Joey has travelled the world.  But here is the problem; Joey is creepy. Here is Jane, being creeped out by Joey: 

John and his wife now have a beautiful one year old daughter.  I was half laughing, half mortified when I recently saw a picture of her with Joey clutched tightly in her arms.  I am sure John's wife is NOT impressed.  

Unfortunately, I think she will have to wait a good 12 years or so before she can safely put Joey in a box in the basement where he belongs.  

The Gas Triangle

I would love to work at a gas station to see how many people (all female, I would assume) get out of the car and get ready to pump their gas, only to put the nozzle back and get in the car - to have to drive to a different pump because their gas tank is on the other side of the car.  

(Oh, hello run-on sentence)

I did this again yesterday for the millionth time.  And this is even AFTER I've learned about the gas tank picture in the car.  I had no idea that little triangle picture was there to help you know where your gas tank is.   Yet, I somehow STILL get this wrong.  

Monday, October 12, 2009

Master Manipulator

I might be a genius. I came to this conclusion when I woke up this morning because I manipulated my own dream.

I am a vivid dreamer. I usually dream multiple times a night. I always remember my dreams and I often have to really think about whether or not something happened to me in real life or if it was a dream.

The dreams I hate the most are about my teeth. I HATE them. (I am also annoyed by 'pee dreams'). In these dreams my teeth usually fall out, crack or something gross and awful. Last night it was a fall out dream. One of my front teeth broke and I spit it into my hand. I reached up and touched my teeth and they all started to fall out. I was collecting them all in my hand. Normally at this point in time I would start to freak out. However, something strange happened. In my dream, I told myself not to worry - that I was dreaming and I would eventually wake up and I would have all my teeth. So I carried on what I was doing and secretly held all my teeth in my hand.

When I woke up I immediately slid my tongue along all my front teeth to ensure they were in tact. They were, of course.

I feel like this is a huge step in my nocturnal world of randomness.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Bike Story

I was framed for a crime. Sort of. I'm reminded of it every year on my friend Dana's birthday - October 9 - the day this craziness occurred.

I had a hockey game that night and I was on my way to the rink. I was driving in the outside lane down Wellington Street - a very busy street. Looking ahead, I saw a man on the curb, standing beside his bike. He looked like he was waiting for traffic to clear so he could eventually cross. I didn't give him much thought. As I passed where he was standing he suddenly picked up his bike and flung it onto my car. It scared the crap out of me and I swerved into the other lane and hit the brakes. Thankfully, there were no cars there at the time. I looked into my rear view mirror and saw the guy run onto the street behind my car and lay down beside his mangled bike with his limbs all astray. When this all happened I had no idea what he was doing. I thought he was crazy. I was just mad he possibly damaged my car. I got out of the car and angrily walked over to him. I asked him what the h*ll was wrong with him. He didn't respond and I looked around and saw people walking toward me with concerned looks on their faces. Traffic had stopped and my car was parked diagonally across two lanes blocking traffic. Suddenly I realized what it looked like.

Everyone thought I hit him.

My heart started to race and I announced "I did not hit this guy. He threw his bike at my car." Suddenly I was the crazy one. Then I said "Didn't anyone see this happen?". A guy started walking towards us from the opposite side of the street and said "Ya, I saw it all - you were driving too fast and you hit him". Great - these guys were working together. That put me in a full panic and I said I was going to call the police. He said "good because you hit him". As this happened a little old lady had finally managed to make her way over to us. She was driving the car behind me. She told everyone she saw it all - that the guy was not on his bike and he did in fact, throw it on my car. There was a man in a suit standing beside me who then put all the pieces together and realized these crackheads were scheming together to try to get some money out of me. He said he was calling the police and suggested I move my car out of the middle of the street. This prompted the crackheads to run away.

We tried to see if there was damage to the car but it was dark and we were not able to tell. I was quite shaken up over the incident and the little old lady told me she lived around the corner and invited me over to use her phone. To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I went to her house because I could have used a phone at the rink. But I did. So, I sat in this sweet lady's living room and called my dad. I blurted out to him what happened and he remained calm, as he always does, and told me to report it to the police. So I did. The police didn't seem to care and did nothing.

When I finally got to the rink I busted into the dressing room looking rattled and dishevelled. The room was quiet and my coach was giving his pre-game speech. I couldn't contain myself and rudely interrupted;

"Guys - you're never going to believe this...."

And as it often happens in my life, they responded with 'Only you Sara, only you.'

Favourite of the Day: With family coming home to spend Thanksgiving weekend with us, I was ecstatic to finally the newest addition to our family, Julianna. She is as beautiful as can be. She is 7 weeks old and I snuck in some good snuggle time with her. She is perfect.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Random Thought

At the end of the day, do you think Maury Povich and Connie Chung can actually have an intellectual conversation?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Remember When

On Sunday we celebrated my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary.  We had a great evening with family.  As a gift, we presented our parents with a photobook and slide show of pictures from the last 40 years. They loved it!!  Special thanks to my super cool friend John who worked his wonders on the slide show. 

It was fun to look back at how much we all have changed, to see their life together before our lives existed and to look back and remember people who have passed on.  The nostalgia wasn't even ruined when Jana said to my mom; 'You know Nana, GiGi's brother had real hairy boobs'.  

Here is a quick look at some of my favourite pictures we found; 

Pure sweetness.  My brother and sister in 1972. 

My brother lovingly reading me a story.  
--Ya right.  As soon as we saw this we both said
 'there's no way we did that - - were definitely posing'.  
Then we laughed and laughed.  

How short are my brother's shorts?  And nice mesh belly shirt.   
This is the one that made me laugh the hardest. 

This is my grandpa - making fart sounds in his armpit. 
I sure wish I met him...(for more reasons than this of course).

I don't know the story behind this one.  
I only know it involves me, my dad and a banjo.
And that we look pretty damn happy.    

 My sister looks so much like her daughter here, 
my brother has a barrette in his hair
and my mom looks so pretty.  I love this picture. 

Me - rockin' a plaid jumpsuit and stylin' some hair. 

Remember when bangs started way back on your head? 
Also - check out those pop bottles. 

Love my dad's jacket in this one. 


Friday, October 2, 2009

In today's news....

"Michael Vick and Nike renew their 'longstanding, great' relationship"

Really, Nike? Seriously? There were NO other athletes you wanted to endorse your products?

In the article it reads 'Nike declined a request for comment'. Of course they did. They were too busy doing team building exercises where they smashed each others skulls against concrete walls.

You guys are idiots. I hate you, Nike.

A shameless plug

So, I met this guy Joe through my good friend Jane. I knew Joe would be awesome, simply through his association to Jane. Well that and Jane told me he was awesome. So anyway, Joe recently wrote a song and made a video - his Rap Debut - and it makes me smile every time I watch it. It is a good video and I like to picture how much fun he probably had making it.

I like when people do awesome things - for the simple fact of them being awesome. With no motivation or ulterior motive - like he's not trying to win something or compete, you know?

Yes, I'm well aware I used the word 'awesome' far too many times here. But guess what? It's awesome - so eat it.

Meet Joe - he's the white guy.

(*Note: Video contains adult language and a small amount of dry-humping. Consider yourself warned)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

me n' my fridge

A few years ago I started randomly collecting magnets - funny magnets. And not cheesy, 'make your neighbour giggle' funny - I mean 'Sara' funny (if that can be a definition). I've only found maybe 6 that are worthy for my collection. Then last week I found these on etsy. And I cracked up.

Favourite of the Day: It's T.V Thursday and I have PVR - which is far too much money, but worth every penny because it is the best invention in the world. Can't wait to go home and curl up on the couch with my boyfriend's Jim Halpert and McSteamy (and Karev). Speaking of which - did anyone see the sketchy video leaked of McSteamy and his Neutrogena Girl wife? Note to all famous people - if you make such videos you are real idiots to be surprised with the world finds them.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tricky Tricksters

So, as I said before, I love Shoppers Drug Mart. I also previously mentioned how I accumulated a whole bunch of Optimum points. I decided yesterday was the day. I was finally going to redeem my points and I was quite excited. I spent the whole day fantasizing about all the fun things I could get for free with my points. I pondered if I should splurge and get things I wouldn't normally get since it would be free or if I should be a responsible grown up and get things I need.

Like my blog title states, I am my mother's daughter and my mother is a fan of buying in bulk. (Growing up, my friends referred to her pantry as the storm closet - because if there were a natural disaster we could survive for months on the things she has stocked in there.) I have found the same excitement in buying things in mass quantities so I decided to be an adult and buy the things I need.

When I got to the store I looked at their point redemption system. Based on having 65,000 I determined I would have around $100.00 at LEAST in free stuff. Here's how I came to that decision:

Logical right? Apparently not.

I happily stocked up on shampoo, conditioner, facewash, toothpaste, face cream...all that fun stuff. I had found some fantastic deals, so I decided I would use only half my points and get to do this twice!! When the cashier rang through all my items my total came to $55.85. She said I had to use the highest level of points that was closest to that amount and then I would owe the difference. Okay, sure. So - I ended up paying her $6.42.

When I got in my car I looked at my receipt and it said I had redeemed 40,000 points. But my total purchase value was $49.43. What am I missing here?

I went back inside to ask questions. Of course the only person working is a 16 year old girl with the communication skills of Mike Tyson. So - I still have no idea how this program works. All I know is I did not save $75.00 with my 40,000 points.

I did get free stuff and I have a lot of items in bulk though, so that's cool. But Shoppers? You are some tricky tricksters.

Favourite of the Day: Yesterday hockey season started!! I am so looking forward to another year of coaching and I was happy to be back at the rink and see all the girls. Can't wait for the draft to be over and have the team picked!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Day at the Fair

 I learned a few things this past weekend: 
  • I spent too many years of my life missing out on Rodeos.  Cowboys, Horses & Bulls - So fun!  I need to do this more often. 
  • Corn Dogs were always this American thing to me that I never understood.  But it seemed only fitting to try one at a County Fair and it was SO good! 
  • You shouldn't go to the fair and miss out on Snow Cones.  I chose Blue Raspberry. 
  • Even if a kid has a bracelet to go on any ride they want, all day long - Darienne is perfectly content to ride the Merry-Go-Round over and over.  And over and over.  
  • A day at the fair wouldn't be complete if you didn't see someone step off a ride and puke all over the pavement.  
  • Avery, the fearless speed seeker, did not want to ride the Ferris Wheel with me because it was too slow.  But she did and I loved it!
I had a great weekend away with Amy, Avery and Darienne.  I hope we can go back next year!

For anyone afraid of heights, here is what you
would experience on a Ferris Wheel. 

Friday, September 4, 2009

Just in time for Labour Day...

Witnessing the birth of a baby is most often a luxury held by the father. For that reason I feel so lucky to have been there for the birth of my niece, Darienne.

I forget the details leading up to it. I don't remember getting a phone call saying it was time to go. I don't remember where I was or what I was doing that day - which for me is strange. I ALWAYS remember those details. For all the other kids births I know exactly what I was doing and where I was when they were born. Perhaps the experience I had this time renders the other details unimportant in my mind. What I do remember is standing to the left of Amy, her husband on the right. We held her legs as she pushed. (And pushed and pushed). In the beginning I was excited but very nervous. I didn't know what to do, where to stand, where to look, what to say.... Until I heard the doctor say she could see the head.

The second I saw the head that kid had my heart. Suddenly it was real - and it was amazing. I was so proud of my sister for how hard she worked to bring that beautiful baby into the world. (and she was a nine pound baby...so she really did work hard). My mom was overwhelmed with emotion. She stood beside me, crying, as any mother watching her baby have a baby would. When the baby finally came out we were all VERY anxious to find out if it was a girl or a boy. My brother-in-law and I peered our heads over in unison looking for the answer. But the way the umbilical cord was laying, we weren't able to tell. Finally the doctor grabbed the baby like a football, held her up and declared "It's a girl!" We all cheered and cried with happiness like a scene right out of a movie. Then we laughed, knowing the tally of girls was now at four.
That was seven years ago today. Part of me feels like it was a million years ago, yet it also feels like yesterday. Crawling, walking, talking, laughing, reading, running, scoring goals, cracking jokes & even smearing chapstick on her butt. 7 years. I just can't believe it. That baby has become a beautiful little girl.

Birth truly is a miracle and I'm so thankful my sister let me experience it and share in that moment with her and her husband.

Thank you Amy. As always, you rock.

Some kids sing Barney, some kids sing camp songs. This kid? She sings old school country. Check her out: "Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes" by George Jones

Happy Birthday Darienne

Monday, August 31, 2009

Big is not Better

The other day I watched the episode of Sex and the City where Charlotte marries Trey.

I love this episode. I hate this episode. I've been thinking about it ever since.

I love this episode because of Aidan and the "Love Knot". When he makes the bench for Charlotte and points out the knot in the wood may be seen to some as an imperfection, but in the eyes of the others makes it that much more beautiful. You love people despite their imperfections. In fact, you love people because of them.

I hate this episode because Carrie cheats on Aidan with Big. She comes clean to Aidan and breaks his heart. It's awful and sadly, realistic. Sometimes the right choice can be in front of you, offering you a lifetime of happiness. But lurking in the background is the choice you know is the bad choice. The wrong decision, but also the one that steers your heart. While your head knows what you should do, human nature leads you to follow your heart. What you should do is not always what you want to do. Life doesn't always make sense.

At the end of the episode Carrie is left on the sidewalk alone as Aidan walks away. Both of them shattered. She returns to her friends saying something along the lines that she wants someone to love her for who she truly is, despite the bad choices she makes. Then she realizes, she already has that - times three...in Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte.

I think everyone needs that in their life. I hope everyone has that in their life. Someone to love you, no matter what. Friends that stand by you, but most of all don't judge you. It may be a friend that is honest and tells you what you don't want to hear, but ultimately loves you just the same.

Friendship like that is a blessing. Thinking of that episode made me think of the Miranda's, Charlotte's and Samantha's I have of my own. I know I have people in my life that won't judge me that I can completely 100% confide in. Finding that fit is not something to take for granted. It is like a diamond - hard to find and something to treasure.

I am a lucky girl.

Also, I love Aidan. I hate Big.

Favourite of the Day: Tonight I am having dinner with one of my Miranda/Charlotte/Samantha friends and I'm happy about that.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Siskel, Ebert and Sara

Today I am outlining what I consider to be the top ten movies that will always stick with me. To clarify, it does not necessarily mean I think they were the best. But instead, they are movies that had an effect on me. They were powerful. For some, they made me stop and say "whoa" while for others, I just think they are great movies.

Here we go:

(1) Silence of the Lambs – I listed this first because it’s predictable. Just an all-around good movie. Good storyline - great actors. No need to summarize anything here.

(2) Shawshank Redemption – This appears on every top movie list for a reason – it was awesome. Again, great writers, great actors. Even though this movie has a dark side (suicide, murder, prison, deceit) it is more so about friendship, hopes, dreams and determination. And who didn't fall in love with Brooks when they watched this? Sweet old men get me every time.

(3) Deliver Us From Evil - If you are into documentaries, this one blew my mind. It tells the true story of a pedophile Priest and the corruption within the Catholic church. While the church was aware of what he was doing to young children, for over 30 years they went to great lengths to cover it up. It is horrific and eye opening. The film will leave you with a heavy heart while shaking your head in disbelief. It's with pure disgust that I remind myself this is a true story.

(4) Life is Beautiful - (An italian film with subtitles) I love this movie SO SO much. The storyline begins in the Holocaust during WWII. To compensate for their hard life in the concentration camp, a father makes his young son believe they are participating in a game and the first prize is a ride on a tank. It summarizes so many of my own feelings towards life regarding perspective, optimism, hope and imagination. Roberto Benigni was OUTSTANDING in this movie and his Oscar acceptance speech made me completely fall in love with him.

(5) American Beauty - This movie makes you think, which I like. Also, Kevin Spacey is awesome. What I love about the story is summarized at the end when he says "...there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst...and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain."

(6) Kids - This movie is messed up and disturbing. It bothered me for days after seeing it. It follows young teenagers growing up in poverty in New York City. The scenes convey drugs, sex, violence, alcohol and disease (HIV)...and never lets you forget that it is KIDS living the lifestyle. It briefly took me out of my naive little bubble, where I had no idea that people, let alone KIDS, actually live like this. I will gladly stay in that bubble of mine but sometimes you need to be exposed to harsh reality to appreciate your own life. This movie is so disturbing that when I worked I Blockbuster, they didn't even carry it. The one plus? Chloe Sevigny is in it and I think she's awesome.

(7) American History X - Edward Norton doesn't seem like the most fun guy in the world - but you can't argue he's not talented. He's in a lot of good movies and he was nominated for 7 awards for this film . Someone summarized this movie like this; "United by hate, divided by truth. See reality in your eyes when hate makes you blind". Another dark film filled with racism and hate. What is wrong with me? Well, whatever - it was good.

(8) The Notebook - I wouldn't be a girl if I didn't have a true love story in my top ten. This movie is touching and just plain sweet; I loved every minute of it. I also really love flashback movies that come together at the end like this one does. There are days in my life I am cynical about love but then I watch movies like this and all hope is restored. It made me laugh and cry and my heart swelled with delight.

(9) Little Miss Sunshine - When this quirky family takes a road trip across the country to attend a beauty pageant, they take you along for a ride. It made me smile and the ending just cracked me up. Plus, Steve Carell? Awesome. Abigail Breslin? Awesome.

(10) Requiem For A Dream - a twisted movie about people with drug addiction spiraling out of control. Why do I like this movie? No idea. But I do.

Looking at this list there is an underlying theme to many of these. I am quite surprised at how many are dark and twisted. Apparently I like dark and twisted. Great.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

It's my blog's birthday today!! One year.
In celebration, I made this cake:

Just kidding. I totally didn't make this cake. And as if I'd make a cake for a blog. But I would blog about a blog's birthday. And I did. I am. Right now. See?

(If I don't make anyone else laugh....at least I make myself laugh...)

P.S. To whomever made this cake - kudos. It's a nice cake.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Bear Picnic

My co-worker and friend Jacqui is getting ready to sell her house soon. So, she's doing the usual cleaning and de-cluttering involved. Since she has lived in her house for over 18 years she has a lot of things to go through. Her soon-to-be husband called her at work today to tell her he went through the cupboards and found tons of food that was too old to keep. Instead of throwing it all away, he decided to put it all in a big box and hop on the four-wheeler to drive it out to the bush....for the bears.

All day today, Jacqui and I have been cracking up imagining this bear picnic. As time passes, this is getting funnier and funnier to us. How great is it to picture a bear eating Chef Boyardee and chugging back some OJ? I can't stop laughing.

We imagine that the bears are bored of eating blueberries and chipmunks...(or whatever bears eat) and are moping around muttering "oh bother" in an Eeyore-like voice. So imagine their surprise when they find this box of treasures!! That is the mother of all lotteries.

There will be high-fives all around the forest.

In a completely serious manner, Jacqui just said to me; "You know, I had a lot of old beans in that cupboard....those poor bears are going to be gassy".

At some point today life threw me a curve ball. Because this morning I was thinking about groceries and bills and now I'm thinking about bear farts.

Heads up to anyone who lives down the line. There's a pretty rockin' bush party going on tonight.....

Sunday, August 16, 2009


There is no real point to this blog, except to say this:

I am so happy to live in a city where traffic stops for funerals and emergency vehicles. I don't know if big city folks experience this (if you live in a big city...or any city really - please reply because I'd like to know).

One of my best friend's is a paramedic in Toronto and she has told me that driving an ambulance through Toronto traffic is awful and people do not give them the right of way. Horrible.

Yesterday was a busy Saturday afternoon and as I was driving through town I saw a funeral procession. I was so pleased to see everyone pull over and wait. It is nice to have that still moment where life just stops to pay respect to someone who has passed.

I live in a good place. And I like that.

Favourite(s) of the Day: Two things: (1) Winning 2nd place in my women's finals today!! (2) After spending the last two nights sleeping in a tent, I am quite happy to be in my warm, soft bed listening to a rainstorm and ready for dreamland. Goodnight.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I know I am biased in thinking my nieces are the funniest kids on the planet. They make me laugh all the time.  Here is yet another example of how they put a smile on my face:

We were eating dinner at my parents one night.  Usually when this takes place, there is a constant background noise of four girls running around, giggling and screaming.  On this particular day they were being unusually quiet.  After awhile, I was curious. I knew they were playing in my old bedroom so I went to find them.  They were no longer in there but I found this note on the bed: 

Later, as we sat down for dinner I said "So, ladies, I was wondering what a bumcial is?" Ryea, the oldest, turned red as the others began to giggle.   They explained they were running their own spa.  They were offering facials, pedicures, manicures and as noted above, bumcials and bellycials.  I asked what a bumcial was. They explained it was similar to a facial, where you'd get some nice cream and cucumbers put on your bum. 

The rest of the conversation went like this:

Auntie Sara:   "Hmm, well that sounds nice" 
Ryea: "Ya, except we didn't have any of that stuff" 
Auntie Sara: "What did you have" 
Jana: "well, we found this old chapstick" 
Auntie Sara: "Lovely.  Did anyone get a bumcial?" 
Jana: "DARIENNE!!!  She has chapstick on her butt!!" 

This was followed by erupted laughter....including my own.  

God, I love those kids. 

Myself and Darienne...the lucky recipient of the bumcial 

Favourite of the Day:  I slept for 13 hours last night!! It was much needed sleep and felt good.

Friday, August 7, 2009

This was a good day...

I haven't shared a Roy story in awhile. This one is short but sweet.

Opening Scene: I am sitting on the couch watching t.v. Roy emerges from his bedroom and starts to put on his shoes. It is probably around 8pm or so. Wondering where he could be going at this hour, my curiosity is peaked.

Sara: "So, where are you headed?"

Roy: "To catch a wolverine."

Sara: "WHAT?"

Roy: "Ya, I've been reading about them in my new book from the library. I found out what forests they live in too. I think I can catch one. "

Sara: (trying to be supportive and not sarcastic): 'Um, no. Bad idea."

Roy: "Really, I think I probably can"

Sara: "No, really - bad idea. You could try, but it might kill you in the process. Plus, what would actually do with it once you caught it?"

Closing scene: Roy takes off his shoes and goes back into his bedroom.

Favourite of the Day: Dancing with Damian to the "Wiggles". Even though the Wiggles are creepy, weird men, I enjoyed doing the "Twist" with him today.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Man's Best Friend

For 15 years I had a Golden Retriever named Amber.  She was the best dog anyone could ask for. Having to put her to sleep (on my birthday....geez) was one of the hardest things I've ever done and is still the reason I refuse to watch "Marley and Me".   It hurts to even think about that day. 

Years after she passed, when I was adjusting to living alone, I went to the Humane Society and found a companion in a sweet little orange cat I named Steve.  He was my buddy who followed me everywhere and loved to cuddle. I've met some jerk cats in my life and I was blessed to find an awesome one. Sadly, he got very sick and I had to put him down too.  I buried him on a cold rainy day in my parent's backyard. 

After taking a break from having pets for awhile I find myself longing for one again.  I want something to cuddle with at the end of a long day.  I know how great the companionship you can find in a pet can be.  But I also question my luck.  With Amber and Steve being as great as they were, could I be so lucky to find one to even compare? 

I am trying to convince myself that a pet is a bad idea for me right now.  I've come up with a list of 'Con's'.   I am not going to a do a 'Pro's' list because I already know what they are and I'm trying to keep that door closed at this point in time.  

So, here we go: 
  • Picking up a dog's warm poop in a bag is gross 
  • I don't have a fenced yard 
  • Cat pee stinks. A lot. 
  • Cats leave litter trails all over the floor
  • There is currently no fur on my couch, my clothes or in my bed
  • When I want to sleep in, I don't have to wake up to let a dog out
  • Winters are cold and going outside when it's -25 sucks
  • Vet bills are very expensive
  • Cats with nails scratch furniture
  • De-clawing a cat is cruel (but I'd still do it) and expensive
  • I don't want to adjust my busy schedule to come home to let a dog out
  • I work 10 hour shifts...a long time to leave a dog home alone
  • Having to put animals down is awful 
If you have anything to add to my list, I welcome your negative feedback with open arms. 

Sunday, August 2, 2009

To pee or not to pee

I just woke up from a 'pee dream'. You know when you have to pee in real life and your entire dream is focused around peeing? It's really frustrating and consumes your every move. In the dream I just had I was playing baseball at an old school and was debating if I had time to run down the road to pee at someone's house before I was up to bat. Everyone said I did. So off I went and I tried to hurry but no matter how fast I tried to go I couldn't speed up. When I finally got back, I missed my at bat and took an 'out' and everyone was mad. And I STILL had to pee. AUGH.

So, I finally woke up. On one hand, relieved and excited to finally pee. On the other hand, angry because I was frustrated and that's just not a great way to start the day. I know there are some people out there who dream they are peeing and then pee in real life. I'm happy I'm not one of them. But all in all, I really hate pee dreams.

Armando, my BFF

Tonight I had a random memory of something dumb I did years ago. In University one of my classes had assigned seating. It was 'Psychology 101'. I loved this. I wished more classes had assigned seating and I have no idea why. Anyway, day after day I would stare at the tall guy ahead me who was blocking my view. Instead of actually paying attention and learning like I should have been, I started thinking about this guy. I would make up stories in my head about his life. I would make time pass by entertaining myself with his ficticious story. I named him "Armando". He just looked like an Armando to me. We never once spoke and I doubt we even made eye contact.

After a few weeks of staring at the back of his head I noticed he never once wore the same coat two days in a row. Never. This fascinated me. During these cold winter months I wondered how one could possibly have so many winter coats and rotate them so randomly. Or was it random? Then I became obsessed. Was he an anal, OCD-ish guy who purposely rotated things on a schedule? Was everything in his life like that? I wanted to 'catch' him making a mistake. I started making little checks in the back of my notebook to see if there were a pattern to the coats he wore. This consumed my semester and I looked forward to his arrival every day.

He never made a mistake. Not even from a Friday over the weekend to the Monday - All semester. I think I got a 'C' in that class. In Psych of all things. I bet I would have gotten an 'A' if I didn't care what kind of coats people were wearing.

Honestly, who was the nutbar here? What did I think I would accomplish if he did make a mistake? Would I call him out on it, like I won somehow? Really. I'm an idiot.

I want that tuition money back.

Favourite of the Day: Last night I slept on the top bunk of a bunk bed. I haven't done that in at least 15 years and I felt like I was back at summer camp when I was a kid. The memory was completed when I heard my niece in the bunk below smoke her head off the ladder....twice.

But it IS a good deal...

Does anyone else still have strong urges to buy those "Teen Packs" they sell in Drug Stores this time of year?

just wondering

Friday, July 31, 2009

My Gram

It was two years ago today that my grandma died.  It is weird how fast time goes by sometimes. I feel like it was yesterday.  The day she died I felt more peaceful than I thought I would/should.  I didn't react in the way I imagined I might.  She had been ill and in pain for quite some time and I think I felt a little relieved knowing she didn't have to live like that anymore.  The thing I was most sad about then, and still now, is knowing that my own mother no longer has her mother. The whole situation has been hard on my mom and that makes me sad.  

Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my Grandma.  Our family was close. When I close my eyes and think of her, I see her in the kitchen.  She was an amazing cook.  Always cooking for us and feeding us.  She was famous for her pie.  Coconut Cream was her best, I'd say...but it's a tough call.  

My gram was loving and hard working.  She always took care of us.  She is so many of the things my mom is today.  While she was a lot things, funny wasn't one of them.  That is - until the end. Maybe it was the combination of all the medication she was on and maybe she lost her mind a bit.  But she suddenly started cracking jokes and making us laugh and it was awesome.  I like remembering that about her at the end of her life.  

It has always made me sad that I never had the chance to know either of my grandfathers. One died before I was born, the other when I was just an infant.  I love hearing stories about them and I've often imagined what they were like and how our relationships would have been. Though they both sounded like two very different men, they sounded like amazing people I would have loved to know.  I also would have loved the chance to see both my grandma's with the men they loved and raised their family's with.  

I have a lot of thoughts going through my head today.  I know I think too much sometimes and I wish there were days I could just turn my brain off.  But I can't.  So instead I am reminding myself that life teaches you lessons sometimes and you need to learn from them.  Then move on.  As I think of this today, I think of my Gram and priorities.  To spend time with people you love and cherish the memories you make together.  Today, more than other days, I'm trying to remember "don't sweat the small stuff".